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Togo | 12:32 Sun 16th Feb 2020 | Twitching & Birdwatching
11 Answers
That was a treat. We have just had half a dozen Bramblings visiting the feeder. Lovely little bird and confident too. Stand their ground and only move on when they have had their fill. They appear to like the sunflower hearts. It has probably been about 5 years since we last had a Winter visit from them so there must be a bit of bad weather out there in Scandinavia.

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If you build it they will come......getting the benefit of making your garden bird friendly...
Lucky you Togo, have never seen a Brambling in my garden. Plenty of other small birds though.
Wonderful - feeling quite jealous! I've never seen one. I get a lot of goldfinches and blue tits, and the blue tits were investigating my bird box the other day, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they nest in it again.
They're gorgeous. I used to get them to my feeders when I had a garden backing onto farmland in Dorset. Never had them before that, or since, I'm sorry to day. I envy you Togo:-)
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We know we are lucky. I had just been out and topped up the feeders and put a bit of Granola down on the ground for the Blackbirds. Came in and sat at the desktop when "She who must be obeyed" called through to ask what the birds on the feeder were. I went through and for a minute or so was stumped. Then another 3 or 4 turned up and I realised that they were Bramblings. Opened up the RSPB guide and confirmed that it was so. Has been a while since I saw one. When I was a lad they actually used to nest in the woodlands near our home back in the 1950s. The woods are all gone now.
// The woods are all gone now \\. That's so sad. We'll lose more with HS2.
The only other time I've seen them was in the Yorkshire Dales and I was driving over the moors one day and saw a load of what I thought were Blackbirds feeding in a field. On closer inspection I noticed some were different and realised there were some Bramblings mixed in there. That was the first time I ever saw them. Such a pleasure watching our lovely birds.
A guy in my bird study group won first prize in the birdguides photo competition with a photo of a brambling. He had over 50 in his garden last year, right up to the middle of May. Some of the males were in breeding plumage and singing.
Yes, we will lose more lb and how sad is that ? Sometimes I wonder where all the poor birds go when their habitats are constantly being destroyed. Not a fan of HS2 at all.

Love to have bramblings in my small garden. I was over the moon recently when long tailed tits started feeding as I've never had them before.
Aren't long-tailed tits just the prettiest birds ever HIA? You can hear them all twittering away to themselves when they land in your garden. Beautiful.
Always good to see something new turn up on the feeders!.
I hope to be lucky enough to see bramblings, so I'll be keeping my eyes peeled.
I'ts been a while now since I've seen the similar looking chaffinch, the last ones I did see had foot disease and understand that numbers have declined in recent years.
What was it that the bramblings were feeding on ?
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Sunflower hearts Chip. I stopped getting the mixed seed as it makes a God awful mess as the birds chuck out what they don't want and encourages the brown 4 legged devils. All the tits love the Sunflower hearts and I also find that honey and seed Granola goes down a treat with all the birds. Particularly the Blackbirds and Robins when it is on a tray or the ground. Just have to watch for the grey squirrels.

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