Signs Of Spring in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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Signs Of Spring

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Chipchopper | 08:34 Tue 30th Jan 2024 | Animals & Nature
8 Answers

Yes, spring is on its way at last!

Yesterday seemed like a turning point to the start of spring, in my little patch at least.

The woodpeckers were drumming on the trees to attract a mate, the fish in the pond have made an appearance near the surface.

I know that "one swallow does not a summer make" but everything has to start somewhere, bring it on!

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Don't you just love these first signs of spring? I so enjoy January for bringing them to us. The days are longer, the snowdrops are awakening and the birds are singing madly here.

The woodpeckers have been very noisy at the back of my house  and my hyacinths are readying themselves to flower.

My huge camelia is showing red tinges in the buds so they are getting excited, too.  It is home to a wren who is busying herself playing amonst the leaves.

All is well, it will soon be February and already the days are stretching out, pushing the darkness in to evening.  

The patch of snowdrops in my garden are in full bloom and a vase of daffodils in my lounge are making me happy

The daffodils round here are shooting up - won't be long before they bloom.

And if all that wasn't enough - 'Dry January' ends tomorow ! 😃

We have a lot of snowdrops in full bloom and daffs well through. 

There was a housefly in the kitchen yesterday afternoon...does that count?

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Yeah, if you like Ginge

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