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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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Can't for the life of me get this avatar thing to work and I'm wondering to which degree it could possibly have anything to do with the fact that I visit the AnswerBank using public computers at...
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Why is new AB so slow today? Does anybody else have this problem? And I have the 'Have Your Say' results on the homepage although I haven't voted and the questions still (unanswered) appear on the...
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There seems to be rather a lot of bods, male and female, who are described as female and 52 in their profiles. I have recently updated my profile but I couldn't have done THAT could I? When I ticked...
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Why are many pages missing, in the Quizzes & Puzzles section ? Why are some pages not accessible at all ?
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What has happened to the square where you type your question? It runs off the page and you cannot see half of what you have asked? I am typing this not being able to see the words "it runs off the...
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What is wrong with this section. You click on the title at the side of the page and it takes you to a blank page. Some days it works other days it doesn't. Surely this is a small problem which should...
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bill preston
i was signed in the new version of the Ab and pressed the sport button to look at the football section? after seeing it was a pointless journey as it's dead again i pressed the AB logo to come back...
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Can we keep both the new and the old? I prefer the old for speed and ease of reading. But, it is a different experience (note I didnt say better or worse) to view the other poster via their avatars or...
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The Builder
.............when you click on a recent post, wouldn't it make sense to go directly to that post. Threads can be several pages long, and it's logical to go straight to the latest.
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Is using the 'contact us' email the only way to feedback a problem with the Beta Site?
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Could you tell me please ED how often the garbage bin is emptied ? Also , how do you get to the second page of friends ? xxx
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So, assuming i ever get a PM, how do I access it?
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Now that I finally know what the new AB is all about - it won't let me join! All I'm getting is error messages as in the title plus 'Input string was not in a correct format'....... My avatar was in...
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I suggest that we close the site for at least an hour, as I'm like a kid with a new toy and cannot get on with cooking, cleaning you name it; I'm not doing it. Oh happy day!!!!
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What am I doing wrong? Everyone else's seems to be working but I can't get mine to work! I thought it might have been something to do with my work's IT security system but I've even tried uploading...
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Lucy Thomas
As someone alluded to last night, I am indeed on the payroll of the Answerbank. They hired me to try to improve the standard of grammar on the site and also to maximize the number of posts by being...
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lucy thomas certainly had us all fooled and we all really did think that she/he/it was indeed an emplyee working on behalf of crystal guides, i feel so silly and gullible now tut! Whilst I am here,...
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Do you reckon I can claim any credit?? Question462761.html
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I'm finding it incredibly slow today, and taking ages and several times to "submit" and by then we're back in the dungeons. Please sort it.
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Bewlay Bros
Dear Ed, I along with others are somewhat disappointed that yourself has not placed a picture in your profile. May I suggest this?

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