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netibiza | 13:56 Fri 23rd Nov 2007 | Site Suggestions
27 Answers
I suggest that we close the site for at least an hour, as I'm like a kid with a new toy and cannot get on with cooking, cleaning you name it; I'm not doing it. Oh happy day!!!!


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It's OK for those who can use the new option - it instantly closes my internet off!!!! Perhaps the gods are trying to tell me that I should be cooking, cleaning and you name it!!

Walks off in a sulk.........................
Me as well. Hmph! I'm going to go and move some horse poo!
....... and the techies won't answer my email cries for help ..................
Well I'd just like to say that I bought a slow cooker the other day, so my tea is already cooking in it- so im sorted for the afternoon!
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Yeah I have to admit that mine keeps informing me of errorsand closing down, but hey I sit here until it comes back. Sandwiches for dinner.
Now now lottie, no need for that attitude!

However, you may still get a chance to laugh at me, I've never used a slow cooker before, so our tea could go horribly wrong anyway- if it does I'm going chippy!

Neti? You avatar? What is it? LOL
I spend hours teaching Boo all about brisket and rice puddin' ...if that tea don't turn out OK ..........

I'll be round to share your chips !
I have never had Brisket and Rice Pudding Shaneystar. I think Rice Pudding goes better with fruit or jam. Each to his own! ;0)
(p.s. Brisket in wine and onion gravy cooked all day in the slow cooker is one of my favourite meals!)
When this new stuff started I kept getting booted off as well, Whiffey advised downloading 'firefox' and opening AB with that, since then I've had no problems getting all the features, apart from a wee glitch on the new message thing earlier which has now been sorted.
I was disapointed at the price of the brisket shaney, it was over �6.00, i nearly cried when the butcher told me the price. Are they always that expensive? I was under the impression that it was supposed to be a 'cheaper' cut of meat?

Neti, so sorry.........
I thought my router and wireless thingy was palying up, is it this beta thing then? i keep havin to re-boot!
Well I can't even download anything as I am not the 'administrator' on my computer. :O(
Seriously Boo, I pay about �4.00/�4.50 for quite a large joint of brisket in Morrisons and the men in my life eat huge quantities of meat with a meal. A joint that size will last us for two days, so I consider that fine.

Sorry, I have answered a question aimed at Shaney. I am still thinking of Brisket and Rice Pudding and waiting for her recipe!!!!
He's a dear old butcher Boo ..mind you I suppose it depended on the weight of the joint .I go to a local butcher in the market here and pay about a fiver but then I get quite a large joint . I can't say about price per pound ..I just say ..."oooh about so big "and wave me hands around .
Lofty attention !
We are having the brisket first and the rice pud for afters .
I'm that busy reading Le menu du jour that I've forgotten the question....

scrolls back

....oh there doesn't appear to be one....
i'm sorry robinia, i've got my head hanging in shame as I type. It was all my fault for babbling on about me slow cooker.

sorry Neti grovel, grovel
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neti walks in <<slap: bang; wallop>> and walks out again!!
Babble away Boo ....I expect muggy is busy finding yet more aviators and admiring her bazooms in the mirror whilst listening to Baz ....>>>>>>>>> Legs it

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