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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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Ed, I'm having trouble getting into my PMs, in that I can't. Every time I try to open it, it's taking me back to the home page. Please could you sort it when you get the chance as they're waiting...
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How on earth do I change it????
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But how come I have to submit an answer twice? And can we have the "last page" back.. cheers medear..(:O)
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Loving the new AB btw! Is there anyway to set a pop up notice when you're signed in. I keep missing the fact I'm getting stuff in my inbox! lol
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How can I choose an avatar from google and get it into "my images" so I can download it onto here.
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while trying to post in New AB, though not every time. The post always goes through on the second attempt, but I suspect it was having to post most answers twice that got me banned. I'm on Firefox....
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i've tried to upload an avatar via my profile but everytime i click submit on it, it doesnt work! can someone please help me! i'm feeling left out!! x
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It's always showing that I have 1 new message and I don't, please sort it.
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I really like it!! Much better, you should definetly make it permanent!!!
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As well as 1 2 3 Next etc could we have a Last Page option please which would be better for long threads?
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Hi Ed, I keep getting the IE Error message on the new AB. Don't have Firefox, although I could download it... would that help? and I don't have XP (yet) lol to upgrade to 7. Do I need mr B to sort it?...
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Sorry can't remember what the thing is exactly but it stops you getting emails about your question being answered, although people can still post There isn't one on the new AB. So posting questions is...
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I don't know whether its just my PC but the recent posts thing on the new AB doesn't seem to be working properly. It alternates between showing the true recent posts and then frequently flicks back to...
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I hate to pick people up on spelling mistakes but as this one is made by whoever designed the site I have to say something. In the links in the grey bar at the top of the page the word 'favourites'...
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AB Editor
To find out more visit the homepage follow the link, try out the new site and let us know what you think! Enjoy! AB Editor
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I'm logged in. Not sure what to make of it yet. How about you lot? :o) x
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ello Ed Not sure if it's just me, but im struggling to accept new Friends on the the PM thingy. Everytime I try to click on the invitation, it sends me back to the homepage.
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How long are the topics left up there for? The current one on Margaret Hodge seems well past its sell date? Who chooses the topics?
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Can you add a function so we can throw rotten eggs and tomatoes at certain wind-up merchants? I think that would be great fun! Stick 'em in the stocks!!!
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Can you do anything about user ACtheTROLL ? He is begining to really get on my nerves. I tend to answers a lot of questions in technology (computers, TVs etc) I try to be as helpful as I can, and I...

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