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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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Could you tell me how many surveys I would have take to be paid ?50 by cheque? And also, has anyone ever received a ?50 cheque from AB, and if so how many exactly?
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And now getting NO response from AnswerBank at all. Any chance of a reply in here AB? ( don't bother Boo )
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can we have one to discuss the ab fantasy football league? as we are not allowed a decent sports section, can i mention the fact that i am top of the league? and can i ask who the bloke is at the...
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Just thought it would be interesting to see how many people were signed in or is it me being a geek?
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There used to be a 'search box' under the topics box on the LHS of the screen. This seems to have disappeared. The search box at the top in the middle of the screen does not seem to produce results as...
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Lets post a pointless pole advertising the "FREE" experian credit card report. WHO'S BLOODY **** IDEA WAS IT? Editor? Admin? Marketing? Experian? Because nobodys voted in it you don't get any money....
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Panic Button
Has anyone found out what it's about yet?
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why not close the sports section and make it sumthing more useful..... like.....what colour are you painting ur bedroom section.......or maybe.....which make of water is the best section ?
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reward system for not getting banned. Great idea. Then half of us will never be rewarded and be sad.
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Well, maybe not brilliant but how about putting when we joined next to our username.
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I am trying to get my ban sorted and have received emails from AB Editor & the technical support team. Here is part of 1 message from AnswerBank Editor.. " I'll forward this to technical...
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Can we have an option for "I really dont want to take part in market reseacrh disguised as poll, paid for by experian, an advertiser on this site, how stupid do you think we are? please?
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I'm new to AB, and really like the layout etc. But I have found that the whole thing seems to be running really slow. Is this normal, or is there a reason for this?
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BusterNut's so easy to use. Can't you take a look at their scheme, and see if you can't tweak your site a little bit? I like the AB site, but find it really difficult and slow to use.
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Could you include a spell checker within the site? I hate posting questions that are mis-spelt.
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Is there any way you could include a display of how many users are logged into the site at any one time?
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Ok, so there is complete proliferation of pricks around here recently, agreed? (each person will, of course have their own list, but for me its those people who clog up body and soul with random...
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Are you likely to introduce profile pictures and/or avatars that can be added to profiles?
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China Doll
Hi All, I think we should put SAB back to the way it was. I don't like it how it is now and I never ever use it. But I bet if you changed it back to the way it was and I actually learnt something...
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First I had to suffer the squiggle stalkers :'-( & now each time I try to post, my 'reply box' seems to appear behind the ads on the right & I cant see all of what I type till I submit...btw I'm not...

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