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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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Why did you change something that worked ? the new pages are not user freindly compared to all the other topics,if it aint broke dont fix it .
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It seems you can get banned as a result of personal vendettas on here, Is it that easy because the most inocuous posts seem to vanish. Will an innappropriate report get you banned? If so it's a wonder...
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Love the new sportsbank. I would change one thing though. Make the link to the main Answerbank site easier to see. Used my browsers back/forward buttons a lot before I noticed it. KEEP UP THE GOOD...
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isnt it about time you removed this Q from the top of the page ???? the world was created in less time than this question has been up there ! i would imagine the creator of the Question has had enough...
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Not sure if it's the weather or what, but has anyone else noticed that AB's users are getting ruder and generally nastier with their replies? Take this for example.......
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do you think you could update it ed, bit boring reading the same old thing over again ??
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knobby you have suffered an injustice you poor beast ,
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Can i 'suggest' that (probably on behalf of everyone else) that now the weekends over that we get rid of this question from the to, its driving everyone mad, i for one think its a bad idea having one...
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Am I correct in assuming that if any particular poster has a vendetta against another they can get them banned by simply reporting the answer or post. iT CAN'T BE THAT SIMPLE YET SOMETIMES EVEN THE...
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I tend to answer questions in Technology so look in all the Technology sub sections. There tends to be loads of questions about mobile phones, but there is no section for them so they get scattered in...
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I've noticed many threads are about banned questions and answers. I've had two answers removed for no apparent reason - I've never been offensive or rude in my life and it annoys me that this has...
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Do you really think I am that stupid. I suggest you leave for longer next time, you fould old hag.
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Can we have an army/military section?
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People on here are always asking where other AB users are, well has anyone heard from dot.hawkes recently.
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What are you doing tonight? OMG! Obviously the AB Ed has OWT better to to than remove Q's!!
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why wtf is going on here ed , u doing crack again ?
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All I wanted to know was if anyone had been to a particular club which my daughter is having her hen night at. Why would it get banned?
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Would it be possible to put the name of the person who submitted the last post to a question next to the date of the last post on the front screen? Would make it easier when scrolling through...
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I have been on holiday for a week. Have I missed anything? How are you all?
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did something offensive get said on the "are you creative" question? when can questions be banned?

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