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where are you i miss you
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are there not more important things in life than whinging and bickering about the colour and texture of pixels on a screen on some obscure website within the vast cyber universe? i dont like the sport...
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Please Ed - why was this question banned? uestion393153.html
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AB Editor
Morning, Two following 2 posts have been removed - 393530 - Drugs 393665 - Ed...Is this acceptable? Both of these threads had escalated into complete drivel which was in turn offensive, abusive and...
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We've had a hundred new topics,polls, AB Asks, "sticky" questions and now a separate Sports site. In the meantime there are folk suspended for daring to post more than three times in five minutes...
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Actually there are 4, hopefully you can answer these. 1. What was wrong with the old sport section with its 1 sub-topic, football? 2. If, as i suspect, the answer to question 1 is ' there was nothing...
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A week ago my other half went into the new sport section and hasn't been seen since! I am starting to get worried. Are you sure you have provided a well sign-posted route back for lost souls? He...
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Best thing for you to do is resign for allowing the destruction of the Sports section.....its absolute cr4p now.
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To Ed, This might of been asked before i dont no. Sleepyj was i guess kicked off for to many post's in a short time on my thread. I know you have a policey on chatting on AB ie you can only post so...
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This thread was reported, removed and then reinstated. Fair enough but 'ne2' posted what she thinks is 'Joe_the_Lion aka 'Wardy' address. Now the report option is gone so we can't even report that one...
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Why has everybody got 3 stars on wedding song item??
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has AB become lame in the last few months? It just seems that there are fewer good questions and fewer good answers, and a lot more meaningless chatter and joke answers.
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Miss Random
How do we select and vote for a question to be our current favourite? Do we have to mail you in AB Suggestions or is there a 'little short-cut' somewhere? I confess to knowing nothing about computers,...
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I need a job soon as my funds are running out is there any going on answer bank ?
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Miss Random
The question at the top of Body and Soul, whilst a very good question has been there since the 13th, that is more than two days. Please sack someone! I quote your reasoning for leaving questions on...
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When you do a search and get all the answers for the criteria you entered, there is no way of telling how old that answer is. Is it possible to automatically front tag the question title with the...
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I keep seeing clique being mentioned on AB....As far as I'm concerned there are no cliques..AB has been around for some 7 years now (me being a member for 3 of them)...Alot of the time it's names that...
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hi ed mwah etc would it be possible to have a sub section within animals dedicated to the Nigerian goat? it is my favourite animal thank you
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Town Crier
Could I suggest, if it has not been suggested before, that you lock questions after you have replied, AB Editor. In the thread, this acceptable, below, if you had locked the thread after your...
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i posted a question on the 18/3/07 in the sports sec, had a reply back from jackdaniels on the 18/3/07, have just recieved an answer today regarding the question from towncrier, have been to reply to...

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