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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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WHO is this person noknowledge they have posted some AWFUL answers on the animals and nature section i fined them sick is such disrespect aloud on the A.B. this person has no consideration for people...
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I'm sorry, I know you aren't supposed to use the suggs category for personal messages for other users but I can't think of another way to contact a fellow user. Please let it stay for a bit Ed, thank...
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who is going about banning questions AGAIN
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There is a very offensive answer to the following question: ure/Question372634.html It advises people to kill their sick animals by hitting them with a...
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Hi i would like to see a days gone by catagory so that if you have vague memories of your childhood or schooldays such as fashion songs stories tv programmes events, someone might be able to help.
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Could we have a topic for just general items Also as im not the best speller and there are a lot of us how about a spell check before the question or answer is posted. Thanks
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Someone post a question about wiping their a*se. And it stays here. Other threads get banned. Obviously a lot of kids on here tonight.
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i have just posted a question .and it keeps saying question is banned what is wrong with the question i dont understand
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ok , im goin to ask it.Not been on heer for a bit,so whats all this AB quetionin all about.Why does it sit at the top of the cats for so long...and is it just me or does he/she/it need to ighten up a...
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OK, so why ? I've got the radio on, just mended the fence, looked at an Argos catalogue, but still you all ignore me.
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I really don't understand or like the AB Asks feature. The reason I visit anwserbank is to ask questions and answer questions posed by other users. I don't feel any inclination to answer a thought...
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These are just a few Puppy injections Kittens Cont.... Cat pee My cat is eating cat litter dear Zigzag i have answerd to 2 of the posts i just fined it very upsetting lots of love megan07
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Thats the question???
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caz1975, sorry I got your sex wrong. User names make it hard to guess. noxlumos: You must have had a hangover this morning. The only thing you got right was my not going to University. I had to go to...
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everybody ok cos it's weekend
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I'm back. Just thought I'd let you know. Seems I stirred a few thoughts last night. I do object to those amongst you who denigrate the fact that my name is in green. weren't you all green once? I...
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Hello, can anybody tell me if Raysparx and naz have left the site for good ? also Chinadoll,whiskey,wonderwoman,pippa,where are they all ?
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5 questions posted on here since I signed off yesterday evening. AB is slowly fading awaaaayyy.....
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Stu Dent
Much of Scots Law and English Law is the same or similar - but a great deal of it is very different. It would be better if theis site could offer questioners the option of some tickboxes showing what...
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Dear Ed, How is AB Suggestions really meant to be used? Should it be to submit suggestions to you for new topics, sections, pink postings, etc. I recently posted an item about factory farming without...

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