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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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How are the questions chosen for this? Some of them seem to be rather odd choices - and not at all current.
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I advised everyone to do this so I suppose i should be first! Everyone hates the sub sections and you are losing people by the day...... Ed.....Listen to us.....Please
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you can now copy from AB love the new idea's
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following on from netibizas post (colours and fonts) would everyone prefer ED to change it back the way it was, i know i certainly would, but just wondered how all the other AB'rs would vote. please...
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I feel sure that all of us like a response to answers which we give to questions. Should we therefore expect Questioners to even say "thank you" to us for our replies in AB.?
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When I post a question and press Submit I am referred to other similar questions to see whether mine has already been answered. If I open any of them to read what they say I cannot then find my way...
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Pea Pod
I always fancied appearing on The Crystal Maze. Now I am on The Crystal Guides Maze trouble is I can`t find my way back.Could you please supply a map of where i`ve been. Thanks.
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Under the Pets subtopic - no, I don't think so. Under Environment - no, again. Ok I give up, there must be something missing. It's Wildlife!!! There is a simple solution however for this topic at...
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I have a problem posting and answering questions I have been with answerbank for years but over the weekend its dead ,why.
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it is not there even though i have refreshed etc.
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why all these sub-categories? Please go back to the old way
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I've just been accepted to take part in the next series of Mastermind</> !! My 'Specialist Subject'? "The complete history of AnswerBank Sub-Topics, October 2006 - December 2006" Watch this...
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Please may we have the easy way of Bold, underlining and italic and overwriting back and also the colours as I'm can't do much of this new stuff,.
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What happened to the previous Suggestion(s) of a 'Have Your Say' poll amongst ABers? The Democrats have done it in America ....
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We are still not getting all items listed under the single topic name, and I do not want to trawl through sub sections to find items that may interest me. Please let us have the topics back as they...
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On this front page ........... these plea questions (and all the supportive answers from other ABers) for more responsiveness from the editorial team: - sub sections! - elfmay Come on ED. Sort things...
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Come on AB ED enough is enough! can we get the Answerbank back to normal, these sub sections are a joke. Why not have a poll to see which ones we want to keep, if any?
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Ed!! You are still messing about with our topics .. where is Film & TV? This is getting ridiculous !!
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What is this new phenonemon appearing in the answers with the heading 'question author'?
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Can we have a special section, abeit temporary, for Christmas? I am sure therer are goinf to be lots of questions from trees to food....... Many thanks

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