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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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posted a question asking for suggestions for an appropriate reading to do at a wedding. it's been reported by the looneys and has gone only 5 mins after posting. I'm actually quite proud that I've...
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it is all answerbank questions.
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could we please not have a football category as it quite plainly fits in the sport category. Instead could we use the space to set up a blogging area for users as i think that could do wonders for the...
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Thank you Mrs Ed!
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It seems that we use B & S for so many different topics from matters of the mind to health related issues and far beyond either of these. It is nice to be able to do that but surely it would be...
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How about a legal section where people could ask questions on all aspects of law?
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ED, why cant i post any answers ?
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ED, why am i no longer able to post anything using my account (peanut) ? I am currently using my wifes account.
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O.k ED I will make you a deal if you let me stay on AB I will be as good as gold and I will not say anything offensive.I will be good and nice.I think you were being a bit harsh banning me last night...
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It's working whooo hooooo, cheers mrs Ed how was the hols?
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First and foremost this is an alias I am using. Having been very naughty, I have been suspended, I think. How long are you put in the dungeon for? If it turns out to be longer (than the time you say)...
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If you could hit a button and see all recently answered questions for all the categorys rather than just the one you are in at the time? Also, If you could nominate a user that you found most helpful...
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Hi ED, can we have a Dreams topic please or as Shaneystar2 suggests in the thread below maybe a sub category in B&S.
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There's a question in Q & P posted at 22.48 to-day and it says "EDITED BY ANSWERBANK" Since when has that happened A, at the weekend and B so late in the evening (in the UK?)
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ED, would it be possable for the AB to tell us "what questions have been removed and for what reason" ??? ive had a couple removed this week and i dont know why... it just states " this question has...
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Should this happen, is there a way of finding out which of your posts has been removed?
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Thankyou for setting me free from the Dungeon ED.But now Im getting Withdrawal sypmtons.You gave me 50 lashes a day.....and Im starting to miss there a cure??or could you come up and see me...
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robin dearde
Having put a law type question (about dealing with stalkers) on "people and places" because there is no law section - maybe you should have a law questions section.
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Just thought maybe you could add a topic about either legal questions or Employment rights. A lot of people get taken advantage of because they don't know thier rights. So maybe just an answer from...
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I assumed that if you did that you then had an email if someone posted an answer, like you do if you are the 'poster'. However, did it for the first time the other day, received no emails but trawling...

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