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Mrs AB Ed, what about a Back In The Day topic where all those who want to bemoan the changes in AB can go? They could post away merrily (well, miserably) about how good AB used to be (BITD), how bad...
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i've just looked in my profile and it shows i have 4 answers banned. any idea how i can find out what answers were banned as it is intriguing me. thanx xXx
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EDbabes, can we have pretty little pictures of smiley faces please ? if we cant, can you allow us to type a usefull gap between a full stop and a make shift smiley ? :-)
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ABE I have telt you on here that the automatic censor is or was not working and e-mailed you about a question that contained the F-word. Another question used the same word but instead of censoring...
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every time i say a swear word it puts ***** (stars) in, and yet there are others, even below this question with the word fucker in..not fair....i love swearing!!
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Ed, why did you remove the number and bullet point facillity? can we have them back pleeezze and can wee haaave a spellchekk as welll so we dont have any embaarrasssing speeelingg mistaics? thank you
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in the old days(2 weeks ago) before THE changes you could read a thread, then answer it,press the "back" button and get back to the menu. now you cant and it does my head in!!
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would you implement the star censor for the preview so you can tell what is permisable before you submit. tank yew
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whenever i opena an email from AB it cant find the relevant page and sends me to the homepage where i have to sign in (P I T A) what's going on AB?????
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why has my question regarding cockney rhyming slang been banned once then allowed again ?
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May I suggest that the techie boys (and girls) look at their error trapping code. In this thread below I may have inadvertently failed to close the bold tag in my question. All responses were locked...
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my brother, god love him has been trying to wind me up on the ab, going under the name stunned sorry if he has upset anybody it wont happen again as he does not have a pc and he is banned from mine!!!
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The Advert shown above some Topics....Has that guy got 3 legs in the Hammock...or should I go to specsavers??...(:-)all silly answers wellcomed(:-)
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ed could you please answer my weird question?
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You wrote in another thread on here "lol. Actually, I do answer emails and have a regular correspondence with some ABers. I just don't answer rude or aggressive emails. Life's too short. " I have not...
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Hello Ed, Have you changed the 2-week greenie system? There are newly grey members who I could swear have not been around for 2 weeks. Just wondering! E :)
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There is somebody with a very, very, very similar name to mine. What are the chances of Ed asking her to change her name?x
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I just noticed that there is now a tag in place saying if a post has been edited, rather then the the reply just being removed (leading to all sorts of confusion and hilarity) When did that start??...
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What happened about that trial AB thing where some users got to try out the new features? And when is it going to be availble for everyone? Anyone know what im on about? lol
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When is your birthday? Because I want to throw you a surprise party.... .....D'OH!!

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