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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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OK AB Ed how's this for a brilliant idea. A whole new catagory for greenies. No matter when they join, they have to post in a new catagory for 2-3weeks and we can interact with them but they cannot...
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Dear Ed it is now imperative that we get the Biddybank up and running as us "oldies"are just getting lost in the CB and miss out on each other. It's getting very lonely now. I love the youngsters and...
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Would it be possible to have a seperate catergary for Ditloids? It would be so much easier to trawl through the answers than to go back pages in the hope of finding the illusive one that you need....
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if you submit a question can you delete it when you've got enough answers or does ab remove them when more Q's are asked by other people? Thankz Kezza
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could it be possible to display the number of people in the bank catergory at any perticular time ?
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How about an age restricted, subscription service for people to say what they want without fear of being burned at the cross? Just a thought.
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But now I've lost my bold,Italic & colour options...Any ideas why ??
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On this site profanity is not allowed and there is an automatic filter that blocks certain words but displays them as asterisks. There are also words which are "banned" because of a combination of...
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Why does this keep happening ??Its getting a tinsy bit annoying now...Please help me :-(
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i asked a question in body and soul about dyslexia why was it banned?
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Hi AB Tech's, I sent you an email yesterday, asking if you could rectify the problem we have when typing in ampersands. The 'ole' brain can't take all this trawling through the gobbledegook, so thank...
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I appear to have had an answer "Removed" and I can't see what it was. I have seen a few folk ask similar questions about "Removed" questions and answers. I realise that if yir not a lovable soul like...
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Hi ABE :) Can you tell me why, when I post a thread that has a link contained in it, the main body of my thread is all over to the left and in the orange border? Hope you're having a great day :)
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Technical question.  If I posted an answer in a thread which then gets removed, does this go down as a removed answer on my profile, or does it not count.  Also, does the actual count...
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ABE, I know I've asked this before, and so I'm sorry for raising it again.  I know this problem is my own fault for making so many posts but here we go... You know we have options to divide our...
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whoop de do a new poll....Ed, could we make them time limited please? at the moment they appear to change at whim or when someone remembers....
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thanks for getting rid of those 2 offensive posts in cb! very quick
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what do you look like
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Chatterbank is ACE
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Le Chat
This would invite many a debate!! It does need its own section, rather than lumping it in body and soul.

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