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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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Along with smudge I have asked a couple of times whether it would be possible to have some indication of the location of AB users. For example, it's difficult to answer gardening...
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has anyone else stopped getting the e-mails that tell them they have a reply on AB? I dont get them anymore. Saying that, a few questions ago I did ask the Ed why I had been sent 23 e-mails in a...
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What about including a category to cover genealogy or family history? This is very poular now and people can always help with tips and suggestions of good sites and places to research.
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Wouldn't it be less aggressive if we were warned that we were nearing our limit of posts? And is it daily or weekly?
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I'm sure this has been mentioned before but is it possible to introduce a pm service through the board?. There has been a few times that i could have possibly helped out someone that has asked a...
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Not sure if this has been suggested before, but please can we have a temporary catagory for Harry flipping Potter when the new book comes out? Otherwise Art & Literature (though personally I...
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Can anyone tell me where the Adverts section has gone - or is it just my computer?  I was all set to post an answer to someone's question but couldn't see it listed any more under...
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Hi Ed. I see that this has kind of been raised before, but the thought suddenly struck me. You guys are probably very busy with all sorts of things, not least eating all the chocolate cake...
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Hi, how do you add a web link on AB that is hidden behind a word? They look something like this as an example: link
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You should have a "weather" button on the topic side.
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I just received an email notifying me of an answer to one of my questions.  When I looked in my profile it said that that thread was last updated on Saturday the 18th, but it was added to plenty...
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Question on Answerbank about Jury trials, some excellent answers. A few days later, the big boys are throwing out trial by jury for fraud cases. Yet again, a case of the Answerbank being an...
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I know this has already been requested but isn't it possible to add the time the post was sent along side the date.OK all the time zones would be confounding but perhaps decide to use GMT as a...
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In ChatterBank there is a question about moving to Israel.  Clearly this has mistakenly been posted in the wrong category, but it is not possible to report it as such (i.e. bring it to AB Ed's...
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It is quite a long time since I posted a question (I've just put one in ChatterBank - "Strange theft").  When I clicked "Submit" I was taken to "Your question may already have been asked" and I...
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I use Opera as my browser - can't get on with most of the others. Anyway, this site doesn't open properly in Opera. I can't view question titles and loads of other stuff. Any chance you could make it...
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Poll Question
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Is it really necessary to sign in and out of every topic on the site? Couldn't we just do it once and have access all areas?
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Can we have one? or is there only me who'd be interested innit? LOL
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i like the new link to been able to close a question yourslef without sending random e mails.  I like! Well done AB Ed!

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