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please please please can anyone help me with the last 2 questions - 1, 'Never get lost with this musical instrument'(6)........ also ....2, 'is this the place for sheeps savings '(6)......
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http://www.theanswerb...e/Question946789.html It was not rude merely pointing out some home truths. Must I take sh1te from trolls? Do you remove any reported post or can you judge for yourself? Did...
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I understand that AB has planned a further 'up-date' for November. Consequently, I suggest that present problems are fixed first; unless of course this is intended in the 'up-date' which has been...
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COWS Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amazing that during the mad cow epidemic our government could track a single cow, born in Bourne almost three years ago, right to the stall where she...
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I ask the question because I do get curious to know what has happened to members who no longer post. It was in this section on March 29th of this year that a request was made to the Ed for the...
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The reason being that I am unable to post comments into the Ed's blog. Ron...
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I'm led to believe that Moderators of this site have the power to suspend a user's account but don't have the power to ban that user. Could Mods not be given the power to close a thread? This would...
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How many before you're banned, is there a limit before time is called? How many times can you repeatedly transgress site rules annoying all in the process?...
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Was I unfair to Kendra here http://www.theanswerb...e/Question946789.html this is what I said at 19:31, Kendra has reported me, unfairly in my opinion: " Kendra, guess what there is a road near...
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Eds, the "so-and-so-many-posts, latest-by-so-and-so" link in the bottom right corner of the post sneak-a-peeks is really useful. I know this has been asked before but it's been a while and I...
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Just had an idea to try and prevent the appearance of the abusive and disgusting posts that are aimed towards some members of this site. Instead of automatically getting an account with the site, how...
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en masse - check it out ED, on B&S
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ABers and Eds, take a look at the site bibblebub posted a link to, here: http://www.theanswerb...s/Question945995.html What a neat and tidy system for commenting on somebody else's comment! It's the...
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i don't see a link for it
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just curious really...dont really care but why are these two things listed as one catagory? they are not remotely similar or thte same thing all the other catagories with 2 words are linked and very...
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Following on from this thread http://www.theanswerb...Question945391-2.html how about the Latest Posts only showing entries for one's current topic i.e. if you're looking in CB then Latest Posts only...
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to reset your avatar?
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Can anybody suggest where I could go to find people who were on a plane along with my wife and I coming back from the Dominican Republic a few years ago? The plane took off from the airport and an...
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Answerplonker can insult me at length here, and note I was calm and collected leading up to this incident: http://www.theanswerb...s/Question943038.html But when I retaliate my post get's removed:...

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