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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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puggo prob
can i add a photo to my Q? If so how??
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Panic Button
This lovely place was mentioned in a thread, but your autosensor didn't like it. What have you got against Scunthorpe?
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Hi, day after day we have the same request " Radio Codes, can you at the powers to be, DELETE these request as soon as they appear? or an advise notice to the effect that the radio codes request will...
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Do we have a section on Religion and Spirituality here on AB? If so where do I find it, and if not then can we have one, please?
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Hello, is it possible for you to change the 7th character in my user ID to a 'W' from a 'U' please? If this is impossible I am going to register a new ID shortly. TYIA Dotty
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As a new member I would like some instruction on how to economically negotiate site, please.
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I would like my question removed as i didnt realised that this space was not to "really" advertise. I already apologized to users for the same fact.. but really would like this removed. I just wrote...
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For doing such a great job cleaning up the site. More power to your elbow.
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CV lost in the post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????? dot takes a deep breath Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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My suggestion to the Ed ... Check to see who has registered the username "seagull" Ask them if they still want it. If not ... let me have it !
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Howdy Ed! Hope you and your spare are feeling good today. Is there any chance on the new, improved AB, of those little jobbies (are they called emoticons or summat?) that you can put on your post to...
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I am not sure if this question has been asked before, but can we please have a section to do with matters of an adult nature? We are all adults here, and I dare not post anything at all risky for fear...
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May I suggest that someone checks the restrooms for the elusive AB technician The AB database needs sorting pdq as the pages of questions are stuck as of around 9am today. There also seems to be a lot...
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Being new to AB I keep reading that you encourage people to 'Report this Post' how does one do this?
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Since many of us aren't regulars on Chatterbank, we often miss what the Ed has to say there, so I think it would be useful to change AB Editor's Blog to 'Ed's Threads', or something similar. If the Ed...
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AB Editor
Good afternoon AnswerBank, Please welcome the Editor to AB Suggestions! Any questions, fire away!
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Has the technical department put in place a specific program that has the ability to ban a particular user based on their ISP or IP address or some other scrutinising criteria , and more specifically,...
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"Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0401' Expected end of statement /users/LogIn_Panel.asp, line 490 RegistrationError = "<span class=""error"">You may only letters a-z, numbers 0-9 and...
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Either enforce the selection of a subtopic when posting a question (and possibly expand the number of them) or do away with them. (Some topics such as Chatterbank don't need subtopics). Currently each...
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AB Editor
To help me out, and possibly have a bit of fun, I thought we could all have a go at designing me a Twitter profile image. Phallic entries will be fed to the hamsters. The judges will be completely...

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