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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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Has anyone else been sent unsolicited spam emails from UKnet Guide via The Answerbank? The Answerbank MUST have something to do with this as the email was addressed to Count Funkula, a pseudonym i...
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The AB logo is changed? Its still easter themed!!
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Why do all the links you send in the emails I receive, all direct me to the same one question when they are different questions? I have reported this fault on numerous occasions but you fail to...
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What a drag it is when all posts from a user disappear because that username has been banned. I was reviewing an old question of mine and suddenly a very helpful reply from Dot Hawkes simply wasn't...
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why in the interests of the future of this basically good and loved site is such a reprehensible person allowed to post, is not a vindictive libelous slur on gerry mcann enough! If you were to ask...
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I've submitted quite a few questions but I've only ever got one printed and I've answered a few. I checked my profile, but only shows the one question - wots happened to the other questions I...
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Why are 'No Relevant Questions' ever found? At one time if I asked a question I would find a list of Relevant Questions, but not any more. Your question may have already been answered! 1. Check...
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Is there a problem with adding youtube clips? I type in the url and description, hit validate, and the clip appears on the left hand side. Submit the question and it appears on the boards minus the...
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checking back over threads I have been involved in some of my posts are missing. example 55664.html I posted Everton as the first answer - where's it...
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I've just posted AB suggestions with a query re youtube. A post submitted to another section didn't include my youtube clip. Someone answered to that effect and that's probably the last l'll hear....
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perhaps the AB techies could address the small problem of site slowness. this weekend has been diabolical. is it your server/s? whatever, a lot of answerbankers are pretty pi**ed off.
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I remember when I could do on on site search of word like Mephisto or Jumbo. When I do this I now get directed to my off site search engine. Is this a move that is supposed to help us as, for me, it...
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Copy of my e/mail to the Editor AnsweBank:- Dear Editor, I am still awaiting a response to my e/mail dated 3rd April ; despite my having reminded your office on at least four occasions. However, if I...
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This may not get registered because for the last two days none of my answers have been. However, they are still being shown in my profile as having been submitted. What have I done wrong?
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why are my answers, initially being included, then later i find they've been removed. what's going on and why?
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I have been answering questions on this site for years, and have given thousands of answers. In the last few days many of my appends have gone missing (due to technical problems I believe). I am not...
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Does AnswerBank just want depositors and has a complete disregard for the individuals concerned.? Witness some of my correspondence with the AB Editor :- 10th May Dear Editor, Within the space of two...
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you sort out this site Mr ed
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The Ads take toooo long to download.....sort it out or users will go elsewhere!
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Why isn't there a 'Politics ' topic?

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