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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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I have noticed that some users seem to be quite proud to have duplicate user accounts on this site. However, my reading of the site rules was that they were not allowed, so how come you permit this to...
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I jnow Crystal Guides have a TV guide thingy, but can you attach it on the side of ab , i've missed the Beiderbecke Affair AGAIN tonight grrr.
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I've just checked my profile and noticed that one of my answers has been removed. Is it possible to find out which it was and why?
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I have made quite a few replies in the last few days, but they seem to be getting "lost" and dont appear. However when I go into "My profile" and then look at questions I gave answers to they seem to...
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Anyone else getting the "Bad Request (Request Header Too Long)" error message where some of the Adverts should be, or is it just me?
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Does BLOG stand for Been LOngtime Gone? The AB Editor's last blog is dated 16th January, 109 days ago. The Spare's last blog was forty-two days ago. Is there a new person in charge? Is there anyone in...
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Although I'm not a fan of the subject, in some cultures dream analysis is very popular. Would people like to have a section were they could post their dreams?
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This one should be under CB. A section only for posters who have a sense of humour.
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My question is - in the nicest possible manner - is that does AB check who's been on line or not?...because I received a mail today saying that I had not been on line recently, even though I was as...
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That is a good idea?
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At the risk of being editorially expelled from AnswerBank, I am publishing my recent E/mails to the Editor and would welcome any comments from other AB'ers Sunday, 3rd May 2009 18:57 I am still...
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"why not come back" is the heading of a mail I got from the "Editor" Well listen ed, I happen to love coming here, but I get pretty fed up that when I am, my enjoyment is curtailed by suddenly being...
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I use AB primarily for help with crosswords. For some time now I've not been able to check back more than 10 pages. Is this a technical problem or a restriction placed on the site deliberately. It...
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when i used a new garden incinerator to burn old dry branches it created a lot of smoke....what did i do wrong...?
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How about a box that tells us how many people are currently on line? This could be split between registered users and non-registered browsers.
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Cockney Guy
Please add an employment law catagory, its so interesting and so relevent today
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Sometimes people put question titles along with links in the actual question line - e.g. 'man buys bun...'link'...' and you can't tell which is the question and which is the link. You have to click on...
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Can we have a 'non story' category where people can put all their Daily Mail headlines & leave the News category for actual news ?
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I hadnt been on answerbank for a couple of monthsand now can't work out how the search works anymore When I click 'site' and enter my keywords it gives a load of links but to other websites? is this a...

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