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Number of people on line?

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madmaggot | 15:38 Fri 01st May 2009 | Site Suggestions
28 Answers
How about a box that tells us how many people are currently on line? This could be split between registered users and non-registered browsers.


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The answer will be just 3... each with 100 user names....
lol @ snags
I haven't got that many.............yet
lol @ cfart shes got 1948 names and even boasts about it too !!!!
Would it be able to differentiate between the users who do skid marks and users who dont?
p!ss off'll get me into trouble
yes necro....the skiddy ones have green names...
Like all your aliases cfart? Would you like to lick my skid mark? I could save you one pair of my undies. MMM think of the taste. I had a curry yesterday it will have a very nice taste to it.
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Hi-jacked by the usual suspects, I see.
madmaggot... what use would the box be? If I saw 350 people were online - or just 4 - it wouldn't effect whether I posted or not...

Now... if I could see 'which' users were online, that might have some bearing lol...
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If I could see that there were few users on I would know that they were probably the usual nonces and not bother to stay on to read the cr@p. If I could see say, 300 users, maybe there could be some interesting, valid opinions posted.
madmaggot.....leggy is stirring and necro is well...necro......I can assure you I have only one user id and get totally confused by the multiple ids some others fact half the time I'm sure they are talking to themselves....
''maybe there could be some interesting, valid opinions posted.''

pmsl... maybe!!
I just talk to myself. Sometimes myself tells me to shut up but I don't listen to myself.
hey snags how come you get stars just for being cynical?
Also along the same theme I'd quite like to see who the question author is of a question over there > in the recent box as well (or instead?) of who's just replied. That way I won't need to bother opening some questions, especially if the OP is a twonk.
Because I'm 'special'...

I'll add 'needs' before anyone else does...
Question Author
**** Because I found it funny (as opposed to stupid).
fair enough's your post.....
madmaggot... kindly give my stars to craft before a 'hissy fit' ensues...

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