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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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As I understand matters; any registered member of AnswerBank is ony a 'mouse click' away from being able to report to the Editor instances of offensive questions being raised. However, a similar...
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Dear Ed -Please can you tell me why I can't put questions or give answers ?
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Judging from numerous postings in this section of AnswerBank, it would appear that the Editor often overlooks replying to e/mails. Cosequently, I am wondering what my position will be. It is the case,...
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Does anyone know why Mctavish is invisible?
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How many questions on AB are total drivel? 50% ??? Get shot of the trivial timewasters who obviously have far too much time on their hands and too little brainpower with which to occupy it !!!
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I now have enough answers that I can never seem to get "questions I have answered" to work. Must I take another user name and start again, ED please can you at least acknowledge this problem and give...
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Why do you keep on removing me, as teacher1, from the AB ? Thank you.
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rojash uters/Question733262.html Another advert from Johnpol78
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dear Ed, you've never replied to any of my emails, so I'll try this method instead. how about a homework section? we see these poor students struggling with subjects they evidently should never have...
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Probably been asked many times, but around 95% of the times that I visit my Profile and try to check "Threads I'm involved in" or "Q's I gave answers to" I get Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server...
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I visit AB nearly every day trying to provide helpful answers to others and asking some of my own. And every day for a couple of months I've posted a pun. SO WHY DO YOU KEEP TELLING ME I HAVEN'T BEEN...
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How can I respond to answers given and want to say "Thanks", etc.
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None of the answers I post show up on the site. Am I banned or something?
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SOME of my replies are not being posted in recent posts - why
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If somebody else starts a thread which is later banned will any answers that I give to it come up as banned answers in my profile? Either that or 14 of my answers have been inappropriate and have been...
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Numerous people have complained about this guy and his advertising - some of his answers were removed, but he is still here, still posting cra@p answers, ans still adding his advert to every 3rd or...
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Would it be possible, and a good idea to give Quizzes and Crosswords a separate category each. At present Crossword questions frequently end up in Quizzes and Puzzles.
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why is there still a section on christmas under seasonal. Surely it should be easter by now???
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This could be a sub heading of music
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Is there a way in which the question can be frozen when an answer is being typed for that particular question .Its annoying when the blog say no answers then when you give an answer you suddenly find...

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