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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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I had 23 IDENTICAL e-mails just to tell me that my post had been answered. No more AB for met
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You could be quids in, and help keep this site free at the same time. Donate here
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This site is going down the pan ... why don't you sort it out nice to get a reply or a new blog ?
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I am unable to find how to access answers in a dtgk crossword on particular dates without wading through many unwanted answers. How can I find all the answers for a particular date? anyone know? I...
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Ed. Please remove the knob that keeps italiscing and underlining text. I for one cannot read it comfortably and wish you to sort it.
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I notice that some groups have several thousand posts. Surely it is not necessary and wastes space. Many old postings could reaonsably be removed.
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ok the poetry spammer is back. OK they want to promote some cruddy poetry. But cant they just avoid certain posts? Why on earth do it on serious pregnancy questions! ED, please get rid, we cant report...
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I've been away for a while but remember that last time i was on here they were creating a more interative forum system what heppened to it ? or did it go the way of the "get paid for your opinions"...
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So - - -despite his disgusting pornographic post at the weekend, and no doubt subsequent banning, Gravitate has the audacity to return with yet another variation of his sir-gravy name, viz by adding...
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Once again a poster has set himself up under anew ID and is posting questions in every section and using HTML based underlinings to leave his/her mark. isn't it ime to limit postings to say 3...
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turn your pc/laptop off
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Anybody got any pigeons that I can set the cat amongst. Oh and has anybody got a cat that I can borrow and no bob an orange bucket will not do.
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the trolls are winning where r u ed?
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I understood that it took 3 people to report a thread for it to be suspended but it doesn't seem to be the case. Does it have to be 3 people reporting under the same reporting category eg abusive for...
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Webby....when are you going to get enough mods to start banning some of the clowns on here. I refer to the idiot in food and drink. If you ain't going to do anything, i might clear off myself
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A blocking facility, to block abusive individuals, preventing them from replying to the posts of those who have blocked them.
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can anyone tell me why i can acces any part of ab , i can read and answer any thread i want in any catagory except chatterbank, i have been trying to have a go in there for weeks to no avail, every...
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I know that it's been requested before, but In A Pickle has recently highlighted the need for a Classical Music sub-category. (Gromit has also made a positive suggestion as to how 'Music' could be...
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We have options for Imposters and Advertising and other things, but not for spammers. There are a huge number of annoying spam questions being posted on Animals&Nature and no way of properly reporting...
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how about a section for, how about a section for?

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