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A Very Royal Scandal.

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ladybirder | 22:39 Sat 21st Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
3 Answers

Has anyone watched the above about Prince Andrew?  It's on Prime and is in 3 parts.  I loved it, thought it was brilliant.  



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Halfway throught the second episode.

I never saw the original interview, but have found it on Youtube, so will be watching it after have finished watching.

As always Michael Sheen is excellent.

I think like with most programmes on the Royals, you have to take it with a pinch of salt. The Mail put it under a microscope today and so much of it just isn't true.

Of course, The Mail is the right place to go for the truth 😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   

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