Seeing things that aren't there? in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Seeing things that aren't there?

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smudge | 11:51 Fri 13th May 2005 | Body & Soul
29 Answers

Sometimes when I'm very tired, I see things like say spiders or 'black things' run across my desk or floor, etc., but when I blink again there's nothing there.

Does anyone else get this? Thanks.

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Yes I get this sometimes, I don't know what it is, though.
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Yes & doesn't it make you jump - well it does me!
I dont see spiders as such, but i do see little wriggly things that look like tadploes swimming towards the centre. It freaks me out sometimes cos they can be huge!
yes! and it's usually out of the corner of my eye. Weird!
Me too!! Quite freaky when you are working late at night and one flashes past your desk!

It happens to me as well.  Perhaps we're working too hard?

Me too - dark patches just at the corner of my eye - I think they're spiders, turn to look and they vanish. Only happens when I'm very tired.
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Thank you, nice to know I'm not we're not imagining things - or are we? :o?
Its that jeeves advert which catches me everytime - when jeeves comes flying from afar and suddenly its like an insect I HATE IT!!
I've had a few this morning. Not sure if it's the hangover, tiredness or dehydration that causes it. I think they're known as 'floaters'.
i don't see insects but i get green vertical and horizontal lines that flash in front of my eyes sometimes. I can't really describe it other than it looks like bright green denim or how films show the way computers would see things, like in the Terminator.  I get it at night time more often, it doesn't always go when i blink. Maybe i'm a robot !
It happens to me if I'm watching tv or something.  Actually, it happened the other night....ooohh, horrible thing!
Sounds as though you are all describing 'floaters' although this is a condition of vision which usually affects ... ahem.... older people.  The black things you see when moving the eyes sudeenly are seen as a result of the outer membrane, the one over the eyeball, cracking apart a bit.  Those cracks, different for different people of course, show up when you look out as black oddities which seem to race about when you move your head quickly in certain lights.  You become aware of them but they look like black things outside.  The first ones I had looked like bits of black cotton hanging down and I kept wanting to brush them away.  The blinking away must mean that the membrane shifts slightly, beyond your vision centre.  Lucky you, they can't be very advanced yet.  There might be only one slight 'tear' in the membrane at the edge.  No-body mentions them usually as they become a fact of life, and except for certain lighting conditions and movements of the head they aren't noticeable.  No-one knows what causes the membrane to craze like this.  f you are all younger, it might prove that staring at computer screens makes them degenerate faster.  Anyone NOT having 'floaters' but who sees black things scurrying about.... what can I say?

Yes, I see spider-like things sometimes too, but I don't think they are floaters as I see those also on a regular basis. 

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Interesting theory flaming - but I thought floaters were little dots, etc., that you can sometimes see.

I was referring to the little black spidery things that seem to run along, but aren't actually there - spooky!

It is always when i'm very tired though.

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Great minds think alike newtron - posted at the same time!
I get this quite a lot too, its very annoying lol x
Anti depressants can cause this.
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Really Marge? - I only take the herbal St. John's Wort.

Let's see if anyone who's participated on this thread is also on A/P's?

All:  no, I am not on A-Ds. but I have heard they can cause hallucinations and suicidal feelings.  It will be interesting to see what brands, if  any, posters take. 

ems 27:  If that was on the level I do think you should see your GP .  Any visual disturbances should be followed up medically, or you could start with any eye test, telling the optician what you 'see'.  At my local Vision Express they have very advanced machines. 

Interesting, too, about tiredness.  I have low level-tinnitus but it gets very disturbing,  i.e. seems very loud, if I'm over-tired.  I often don't realise I am, but the tinnitus does!

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