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rosyposy | 16:32 Tue 29th May 2012 | Site Suggestions
30 Answers
I don't really like to do this when different people do their best to help, but sometimes after I have posted I have noticed that a question has been marked as best answer without me doing anything. How and why does this happen please - rosy


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"that's the way it's supposed to work isn't it? we all takea turn to be best?"

Ha! Socialist!
16:54 Tue 29th May 2012
^ give
lol mark - i'd "best answer" you any day :o)
Sorry, adding that to your duplicat post
Must be the heat - Going for a cold shower, sorry rosy no duplicate post
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O.K. I went for the brownie points - lol thanks everyone - rosy
Well done rosy x
S'not fair. Bibble gets a green banner at the top of his page when he subscribes to a thread but I don't.

Is it cos I is on a Mac?
-- answer removed --
Yes, but not for long...
No I discovered it when I was replaced by L-i-K, such an honour!

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