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Pensioners licence

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netibiza | 22:39 Tue 18th Oct 2005 | Site Suggestions
506 Answers
Please may the oldies around here (mainly me) have licence tp make mistakes with countries and things.  Thank you.


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Thanks jno, very sweet. Have you seen my thread under Animals and Nature today about the Finch? The little man is still at my window (no unfortunately not the human kind) my human one is snoring in front of the goggle box.
You can talk to me you know I wont bite! :o)

Evening all..(said in a dixon of dock green way).cor blimey..that day went quick....

the advantages of being a Biddy...

hehe your Bra missing..must be windy over there..


judie trying to escape after visiting the Biddyhouse...hehe...

zoom The Biddy toilet see's robinia coming...


goe's and hide's somewhere safe..hehe...(:)

Vincent !!!! I'm watching you.
Hi Judiewudie and welcome to the madhouse .
Hope everyone is well on what has been a bright sunny day here in Naaarfolk..although the snow is still laying around here and there and it's very cold. We should be warming up by the middle of the week though .So I may be able to take my liberty bodice off at last.I have been sewn into it ! Hope you are all having a nice weekend .Toodlepip for now .

Bonsoir - oops wrong country, never mind.

I see we have a newcomer - welcome judiewudie....
I hope someone has given you the entrance form to fill in. We have to make sure you can identify important items such as dolly blue, virol and zambuk. You must wear at least 4 layers of clothes including a liberty bodice & one glimpse of a thong & you'll have to answer to gessoo.
No Vinny you can't deal with underwear know what you're like, one glimpse of a thermal vest & you start wheezing.

Jude I'm glad the Bluey has passed the good food test....not sure whether it was their chef buying veg in the Co-op a few weeks ago but it wouldn't be my first choice if I was a chef. Some of the stuff needs a magician not a microwave.

jno - sorry you've had no snow so I've got some friends on their way with some for you.

snow problem

Bonsoir Robinia comment allez-vous? Ooh sorry showing off now. The Co-op wouldn't be my first choice either but the ones at the Bluey tasted ok to me. Where so you get your veg from then? You can guess where I get mine with 10% discount. He! He!

Vinny Aren't you talking to me tonight then! By the sound of it you've been working hard today erecting things.

I still haven't done the room I said I was going to do. I'm a lazy git! Is that a bad word on here? Sorry if so! Been to see my son instead. :o)

Hiya jude....erections...hehe..(:)..thats a hard one to follow..!

shaney watching me...


Hiya shaney....they reckon them norfolk birds are really tasty..but they take a lot of stuffing....hehe...I didnt say was Bernard mathews..hehe..(:)
You're full of the double entendres tonight Vinny is it the Becks?
Double entries jude...?This is getting Bluuuue!(:)hehe(:)nope no Becks tonight....tuesday...

here is a Sunday double entendre

Better be careful else we'll be getting banned and we'll have Robinia to answer to.

doing my darnedest to be holy, Jude - here's another

Sorry Jno can't get into it!
Vincent James!!!! .,,be very careful .... rnard.jpg
Very nice with a few sprouts.I don't think !!

dunno what's the problem Jude, I posted it at work and now I'm home I can still access it via the link. As it is some sort of church site, maybe you aren't pious enough?
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We'll have no problems with being banned as apparently jno is the Ed so we can enjoy ourselves!!

Ooops morning all, had a lovely quiet day after a Chinese lunch followed by a deep doze.

Very nice day here at moment. Sun, sun and sun but little bit chilly but not too cold.

Question Author

Me doing my housework today (Ok so the face and figure aren't quite me)

spanish housework

jno - I can't get into your pictures either!!!!

I get a message saying

'Stealing bandwidth makes baby Jesus cry. Don't hotlink my images.'

Bonjour tout le monde!!

Comment allez vous!

A bientot!!!!

Ze Biddies go French!

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