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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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Phew Inapickle that was terrific - very enjoyable. thank you. How is everyone today - getting excited for Christmas?
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Morning all and SO glad you found us graeme!!!
A very Happy Christmas to you & yours too!
As you see we have this dusty little hole to hide in but we've all become quite fond of it - think Ed has too, & very kindly allowed us to stay when CB was disbanded. You're free to kick off your squeaky shoes & sit in your string vest in here (that's what neti does) get sozzled on shaneystar's toddies.
A bran tub is erm, a tub full of bran has wonderful (ahem!) little surprise presents all wrapped up for you to take a lucky dip. I hope next time you visit you'll bring a contribution yourself....just small things like jewellery & designer perfume or exotic sweets will be fine .....shuttup neti.....hahaha take no notice of her graeme she does love her little jokes, it's not full of rubbish at all, as if......

Morning all - off out shortly. Yeah, no more work for three weeks!!! Just had to say hello to Graemer and yes my garden was lovely, but it's looking rather forlorn just now. Anyway, just to prove it's me - you have now located your two cyber wives. (Changed my name several months ago for good reason).

See you folks later.

morning all and welcome newcomers, I'm on holiday today too, Mr W has to work till wednesday so i have 3 days to get the house ready for Father Christmas. Shampooing the living room carpet today, I'll pop by and do the grotto later shall I ? would mean waking up all the dossers and picking up the empties, so maybe not.
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woofgang there's not much of these bare threads left to shampoo & I'm not sure who's under the peg rug but it's either shaneystar or Vinny at a guess.

<<<bangs walking stick on side of brantub!!!>>>

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It's ok woofgang you can put your feet up - I've called the social services & they're sending round a crack team of cleaners.....these will shift the layabouts....


Seem like nice young fellows to me - get dressed girls, I'll bring them in for tea!!


Inapickle have just spend a wonderful time decorating the Xmas tree and watching the winter scene - so enjoyed it.
well the bucket's loads better than mine!
We'll convene a meeting woofgang and discuss if you may borrow the Biddybucket.

Pickle - is the Neep Basher a member of AB?


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neti you're showing off now because you know how to post pics. Now, I'd appreciate a cuppa please - I've had to defrost the freezer & me poor arthritic knee is throbbing. It's better here - no modern appliances , just a cold slab in the scullery.
Aaaahhh, where's the Algipan?
Yes I am showing off - sorry - but it's all smudge's fault as she showed me this months ago but I can't always do it. Fancy you remembering cold slabs and Algipan. I would like a cuppa too please someone.
I would like a cure for this massive hangover from last nights knees up ! I feel and look like a zombie today.Why have i inflicted this upon myself !! I have to face the fact that I can no longer put away large amounts of drink ,do the conga and make a fool of myself at my age!! Mind you my brother was no better..he was downing Southern Comfort as if it was going out of fashion.I expect he is like an old bear with a sore head this morning.Give us a rub of that Algipan Robinia poor old knees are throbbing this morning:!
And it just goes to prove what a state I am in when it is quarter past three in the afternoon and I am typing "this morning".I think I will go to bed out of the way !
I reckon Tiger balm's better. My mum still has a proper larder with a cold slab.

Is this you shaneystar - passed you on the way to the shops.


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tut tut shaneystar - hope you enjoyed getting that hangover! I think Vinny must still be under the peg rug - last I saw of him he was roaring drunk with my frozen bloomers on his head.

woofgang does your tiger balm smell better than the Algy? - it whiffs a bit now I've been sitting next to the old paraffin heater.

I think we need a few more trimmings in here. Has anybody got any of those concertina paper decorations that open up into bells & snowmen?? I like those....oh and a plastic nativity where non of the figures are standing straight, & one of the sheep has three legs.

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