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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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yes I did it - that is smudge, Robinia and shaneystar!!

Inapickle having a rest from lavvy cleaning duties:

Ooops sorry love!!!

Smudge how do I rewrite over the address bat like you do : here this is only to shoe you, it doesn't work.
put the addrees in including the http bit then hit enter. This will make it live and underline it. Then you highlight it and type in whatever you want it to say like making a correction in word.
Hi Vinny you deserve a ladsloo after that rendition so there's one on it's way should arrive tomorrow. Let me know what you think. Had to get it on credit because the NooLoo cost an 'arm and a leg and a backside' so look after it. I'm sure you will after all the practise you've had :o)
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Robinia, Graemer's in Suggestions!!!!!!!! Shouldn't we invite him over!!!!!

gessoo I was trying to find an old thread for Graemer so we could invite him, but don't want the hoards to follow, but couldn't find any.
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Bloomin heck - I go hobbling out (wish I was fibbin' might be posting in B&S later) for a few hrs & you've all gone barmy. Hubble Bubble Biddy's are in big trouble!!

I'm not sure the Lads deserve a posh Lav Jude you're much too soft with 'em - treat 'em mean. Nice to see you - do keep dropping in, we might need someone who can hold a conversation this rabble are starting to ramble.

Trust graeme to sneak in when my back's turned. ..I'll try to hunt him down if it's not too late.

....hobbles out.....back later....

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neti - tis done - better go & tart meself up. Anybody got any Evening in Paris?

You will find Graemer on Smudge's latest thread in suggestions. He won't know who I am and I don't want to broadcast it, so perhaps Robinia or Netty could pop over and let him know where we all are hanging out!!!!

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It's done gessoo - now go & get your best cardi on.
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should have said it's done under(tartan)cover!

Hi neti - well done on the picture, it really made me laugh!

I've been a really busy bee all day, so have only just replied to graemer's lovely message. I've just put some scent behind me lobes too in anticipation.........!

hi biddiefies.hevan a likkle drink tonght me sons ome from uni..............e bought back 20000 millioon studeents..and there all avter me pecks..domt thei ghet gramts anymer...bonch uf puss eads.....scent gramar a massage frum olde pust..hic...nead..a..drunk..(:@)i isnt weering that ssent..coz hee likeeks sheeep..hic..(:)

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Vinny!!!!!!!!!! You're as bad as them there cbers.
What's that you're wearing on your head?.... Oh for heaven's sake, have you taken them off the Biddy washing line? They've frozen..... I knew I should have hung 'em up in the scullery.
Can somebody help me with this drunken article? - we'll sit him up in the LadsLav til he sobers up. It won't take long tonight it's about 10 below out there.
.....ooooh gerroff Vinny.... no, I'm not your best friend, no.....
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For heaven's sake keep it down in here, there are people trying to riot here in peace.

Now....who left this old bra at the back of the bus. And would the owner of these Marks and Spencer sensible undies with strange plastic insert please claim them or give them to charity. Now who would Gesso be I wonder? Does she have a lovely garden?

And what on earth is a bran tub...some strange initiation rite to enter the biddy club I guess. Like wearing a kilt to the Answerbookers Ball

So anyway I'm at the internetti cafe to answer this as my computer can't cope with 22 pages and so won't accept it when I try to post an answer. Pwoooooooar who's gone overboard on the perfume then.

As I was saying I won't be able to post on this thread from home so Merry Christmas to you all, you know who you are...especially you smelly.

Now let's look at the slide show. Haven't you been industrious!

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