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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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It's all Winnys fault..that cake..itsh gone to my head !! All that wum and brown thugar !

Netti.....Sober up! The invasions started....hide's under netti's right behind your behind netti.( :)


Smudge is on Suggestions...dont think she knows we are here...she says hello to us can we tell her..?
Have sent smudge a message in one of her old posts on page 9...(:)suggestions.
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Get in the queue...... get back neti and you robinia ..he's mine! Or is that a picture of Vinny showing off again.Those lavs won't clean themselves on their own you know....and my wheelchair needs a bit of oil on the handbrake.

Hi Vinny - thank you so much for the message, very kind of you. I've been away for so long I feel like a newcomer!

I will now look back over this thread from page 1 to see what you Biddies & Crumblies have all been up to!

Hi to you all. -x-

Brilliant thread you've started here Robinia - I had no idea you & Neti had put out a search party out for me - so thank you for that! -x-
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Very nice IAP thanks!! - we'll keep him in the cubby hole - if the ex cbers spot him there'll be a stampede. Saneyshtar you're in fo nit taste for him.

Hello at last smudge and welcome! - I've been Bing Bonging in cb for you since we moved in here.

'Snice in here......stink I'll thay all nighttt. Oh errr.....I'm sloshed.....mean looking mates ya got there Vinny darlink......better net on checki outside....

'You alright out there net???'.......'sooooper'....

Thank you Robinia - sounds like fun, I'll just fetch me sherry glass.......

Robinia & co., in the: BiddyGrotto

That's great smudge! I must be the one in the middle with the pint mug of hot toddie !!
Quick let me in -- phew I've been out all night reconoitering(uhhh!) and you've all been partying - hello smudge I'm so glad you found us as we are in hiding so it's been so difficult to let you know. Well I've seen things tonight that no human should see- frightening - the CBers have turned savage - now I don't mind a bit of pillaging but nothing else. Pass me some cake I think I'm off lavvy duty for a least a month. If a King Kong look-a-like calls and asks for me deny all knowledge, have had an awful job avoiding him. Did you know in Helston they dance round a Maypole?? well shook me up I can tell you.
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Blimey IAP...its one of those -.incendiary bombs the jerrys dropped. little children shouldnt be playing with them.quick call the air raid warden...has it started vibrating yet...( :)why are the biddys rushing out to grab it...blimey there a brave lot....(:)
Well it's not mine - I don't own any bombs - I'm keeping clear - it looks a bit vicious. Off to eat some porridge with Bemax sprinkled on the top (any of you out there remember Bemax - revolting stuff).
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Mornin' all - cor blimey, I feel rough today....what was I on last night?? And it's soooo cold out. Just noticed me socks have sprung a hole - anybody got the darning mushroom out of the tub yet? I need to borrow it please.

smudge that's quite complimentary actually - I'd settle for looking like that today.

IAP - I'd drop that thing in the bucket in the LadsLav if I were you - that'll disable it.

neti you did a marvellous job last night thanks! I've called the agency & got us a doorperson for the weekend so we can all relax. No worries tonight....Vinny keep your hands off her she's got an important job to do here

I've actually got one of those wooden darning mushrooms Robinia - I've never used it for spuds in sox though - I just chuck them away!

(I use it for me cross stitch instead!

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Has the grotto reached a decision?

Thank you JNO for your vote for me :D

p.s. if it will help make a decision, I also do cross stitch when I'm not spending time on the internet!


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