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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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Hi again all.....
gessoo these aches and pains get no better and I had a funny turn and had to go to the doctor.Whispering in case you know who is about.Have to have an ECG and blood tests next Wednesday.BP etc normal .Doctor thinks it was a panic attack ..probably the thought of Vinny trying to get down my chimney!!
Then I had three teeth out yesterday.
We leave on the 23rd and are back on 27th.We go via Norwich -Amsterdam.Which is great as I didn't relish a trip to Stansted.
I am busy packing my TCP and denture cleaner at the moment.
Hi neti,robinia and everyone else.What on earth are all the CBer's going to do.! !They could all go on lav duty and emptying bedpans !!
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Oh poor you shaney - panic attacks are horrid things. Hope all your tests go ok. In the meantime take it easy - you can have the rocking chair & I'll warm you up a tin of something out of the brantub.......'ang on what's in this one?

Oh flippin heck it's one of those springy caterpillars ....haha very funny, I bet it was Vinny, he's in so much doodoo now....Lion Doodoo haha....

What a brilliant suggestion as to what to buy Vinny for Christmas..I have been racking my poor old addled brain for ages. I had forgotten how fond he is of Lion Poo!
Thanks for your kind wishes Robinia.I don't think it's anything to"Panic"over but I have had this fluttering in my throat for quite a while and the "turn" was most peculiar.I went all like jelly and felt very shaky.It was strange because I was only sitting at the table writing Christmas cards ..not as if I was head first in the bran tub or scrubbing the roof !!

I vote we let anybody in who is only badly behaved in a high class way, only swears a little bit, is polite and friendly, most importantly doesn't confuse reasoned debate with personal abuse, and, finally, promises to bring a bottle (or a crate). We don't do mind altering drugs apart from cocoa and senna and the occasional aspirin

I am very happy to have some (more) male eye candy around the place to take the strain off poor Vinny and if they can make a decent cuppa, so much the better. Females of any age welcome IMO - the younger ones can practice for graduation to biddydom, we could open a University!!

Robina for founding Chancellor and chair of the faculty!

Neti can be chancellor of the foreign exchange facility

Think I'll offer a course in mixing cocktails with special extra tuition on opening champagne bottles, students to supply the champagne.

Oh goody - does that mean I'm in charge of all the money - yippee it's gonna be a fab Xmas. Spend spend spend.
neti, neti, put the piggy bank down, it means foreign students coming here and our students going there. NETI, come back with that oxo tin IMMEDIATELY!!!!
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shaneystar I think when we go a bit 'peculiar' (more than usual that is!) it can plunge us into a panic attack & then you're in a vicious circle until your body settles down. And you're right it doesn't have to be while you're doing anything drastic!.....Lion Poo it is then for Vinny - maybe there's a spicy festive version....'Contains Reindeer' ....may have traces of nuts....hahaha

woofgang that sounds ok to me - bit worried about the 'chair of the faculty' that like a commode?...or am I thinking 'chair of the facility'?

old Biddys xmas cake recipe

1 or 2 quarts rum baking powder
1c. butter 1tsp. soda
1tsp. sugar lemon juice
2 large eggs brown sugar
1c. dried fruit

Before you start, sample the rum to check for quality. Good, isn't it? Now go ahead. Select a large mixing bowl, , etc. Check the rum again. It must be just right. To be sure rum is of the highest quality, pour one level cup of rum into a glass and drink it as fast as you can. Repeat. beat 1 cup butter in a large fluffy bowl. Add 1 seaspoon of thugar and beat again. make sure that the rum is of the finest quality-- try another cup. Open second quart,. Add 2 arge leggs, 2 cups fried druit and beat till high. If druit gets stuck in beaters, just pry it loose with a drewscriver. Sample the rum checking for tonscisticity. Next sift 3 cups of pepper or salt (it really doesn't matter which). Sample the rum again. Sift 1/2 pint lemon juice. Fold in chopped butter and strained nuts. Add one babblespoon of brown thugar, or whatever color you can find. Wix mell. Grease oven and turn cake pan to 350 gredees. Now pour whole mess into the coven and ake. Check the rum again, and bo to bed.

( :)

CB has the turrets...(:)..
I'm ready on the battlements with the boiling oil in case those young varmints try to invade Biddygrotto. Do hope Dear sweet wonderful Ed allows this tread to stay, but don't want it spoilt by hundreds of others joining in, won't be the same. Hope smudge eventaully finds us. I feel like a viking preparing for battle - trouble is I fall asleep about 9pm so will proably be invaded then. Man the lookouts (or is that Errol Flynnish)...............
I've just read vinny's recipe and had to laugh out loud..
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I'll give that recipe a whirl later Vinny! ...I'll be legless after the first glass!

Here's the icing on that cake!!......... Yesterday I sent a short email to Ed to say thanks for letting us stay (I really thought we'd be a gonna with cb) Got a reply today saying 'no problem' & the last line is...

"We hope that you and the Biddys won't stray away from the ole AB you are a
great contribution to the site".

How about that?? How happy are we....oh mustn't say 'we''s the excitement....better go......

Oooh Robinia, how lovely. Makes me feel all warm and glowing inside (and that's without a dollop of Vinny's wonderful cake).

No more work for three weeks after today. Hip hip hooray (jumps up and down with glee, teeth fall out and wig drops to the floor). See you later.

Is Smudge avoiding us? Where is she?

That cake wash very nishe Winny !
Brilliant Ed- I always thought he/she/it had a soft spot for us Biddybankers. I've got cronic toothache, and it's rather chilly today. Will wear fleecy boots now instead of slippers, scarf wrapped round neck and pyjamas on under the clothes. Big knickets all tucked in - what a sight to behold I'll frighten anyone off.
Can someone please turn off that fountain outside - it's really playing havoc with me bladder - kill the music also - who is it out there singing carols . More cake please vicar!!
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In the interests of safety can everyone please wear their slippers at all times. I was putting up a laggy to hang our cards on & I sneezed, let go of the laggy and flirted a drawing pin somewhere in the grotto. So sorry if that's a bit common - I realise that some of us have posh ribbons with little gold pegs for their cards ....Mentioning no names ...... aaahhh........aaahhh.......shaneystaroooo...oh excuse's the dust.
Right I'm on night duty, so am off on a reccy to spot lurking homeless CBers - will be under my tartan blanket (I think I'm Harry Potter) and they won't see me. I'll defend the Biddygrotto better than I did my honour!!!!!!
Well robinia... after Vinnys cake me pegs have gone all squew whiffy and my dentures have slipped....or is it my glasses need cleaning ! All quiet on the Biddy front at the moment I sign of an invasion as yet ! Keep that torch handy neti and if you see them ..flap at them with your blanket !
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"Determined and undaunted our heroine ventured out alone, into the frosty December darkness. The Biddies, feeling secure in the knowledge that neti would guard them with her life, settled down in the flickering firelight to tell tales of yesteryear.............. and get totally out of their skulls. Except shaneystar, who already was.

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