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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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Morning all!

Right, it's operation NOSGROT. I spent all day scrubbing & polishing in here yesterday so I think we'll have to have a smoking ban. I've installed smoke detectors & a sprinkler system - well it's actually my lawn sprinkler but it's very effective - so if you all get a soaking please blame shaneystar.
Please note it is also activated by burnt porridge, humming feet & liniment fumes....I seem to have made it a tad over-sensitive.

morning each and everyone!! Now shaneystar this is how I gave up smoking 60 a day. One New Year's Eve someone I did not like very much bet me that I couldn't give up and there was no way I was going to let that person get the better of me, so we gave it a limit of 3 months and I won quite a bit of money, that was 21 yrs ago and I haven't smoked since. I still would like one but there's no way I would ever start again. Go for it girl!!! else both Robinia and I will chase you with the water hose.

gessoo hope you are feeling a bit more comfortable, no can-can or pole dancing tonight!

smudge thoughts are still with you xx

Morning all. I know I don't contribute much but I have read this thread from the beginning and have had great enjoyment from it. I hope all of you had a good Christmas and those of you with 'ailments' get well very soon.

I hope all of you who make New Year Resolutions manage to keep them especially those who would like to give up smoking.


Hey Jude (hmm sounds like a good name for a song - I'll start composing) thanks for your good wishes and the same right back at ya!! Don't worry about how many contributions you make, you are one of us, contribute when you like - I wonder when Robinia is going to throw out the decs and bran tub - bet she'll have a jolly good sort through to see if there are any support stockings or teeth in there first. So to all my dear friends at grumpygrotto ooops sorry I mean Biddygrotto

Happy New Year and big hugs for you all xxxxxx

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Hi Jude - A very happy New Year to you too.xx

Please don't worry about contributions any ramblings are quite welcome (try stopping this lot, I think some of them have been overdoing the Wincarnis) - I daresay you've a lot of funny stories of your own if you work in a big store.

Poor shaneystar, neti with all this stereo nagging she's probably in the NooLoo chain smoking.....

No! No! No ! - the NooLoo is a No-Smoking area - get out of it at once shaneystar. This is exactly how the last lav blew up. There there, Robinia will make you a nice cuppa.
OMG I'm an outcast !! I suppose now if I get taken short I shall have to dash up the yard to the squat and drop !!
It gets worse..we have just been to Somerfields for a few odds and ends (whisky and cheese) and I managed to drop and break a jar of jam.I did feel a fool but they were very nice about it. I am hobbling towards years end in a right tizz !! I will try with the fags ..promise. In the meantime whatever you are all doing tonight ..A very Happy New Year to all you lovely Biddy gals and guys ..God bless you all and let's hope the New Year brings us peace ,good health and happiness.xxxx
Shan't mention wealth as only have fourpence halfpenny to last the rest of the week !!

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Erm, excuse me but I think it's your turn to mash nettea!! No need to worry about the NooLoo - I've made some adjustments - one hint of smoke & shaney'll be Harpicked & loo-brushed. ( Oooh memories of my in-khasiration)

I think the decs may stay up until 12th night - that's assuming the Grotto is still up & we haven't been packed off to the Sally Army.

The bran tub will now be replaced with a Pills & Potions (chamber) Pot so you can dump... haha... all your weird & wonderful remedies & choose a new one. No need to go bothering your doc anymore, we've had it all, so we can darn well find something to put in, on or up your little problems.

hello all, love the idea of a new year medicine's some milk of magnesia, calomine lotion and fenning's fever mixture to start if off. Don't worry about the crusty bits round the top of the bottles, that's just exra goodness.

I consider myself lucky in that for some reason, I never smoked as a teenager (well Frankie Drake had only just arrived back in England and they weren't that available....)

Anyway over the years I have adopted enough other vices by way of compensation!!!

What I did drop in to do was to wish all the readerws of this thread, both posters and lurkers, a healthy and Happy New Year and to say


Loving thoughts to Smudge

and hugs and kisses to all the biddies according to gender and preference

*******HAPPY NEW YEAR**********


No putting used pile cream in the medicine chest!!

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Happy New Year to you too woofgang.

To All Who Visit the Grotto


~~~ 2006 ~~~


Hoping all your new year hopes & wishes come true

Special thoughts to all who haven't been able to visit xx

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In case you haven't anywhere else to go tonight I've set us up with a mini-bar .............


I see the mice have already been at it


So who's gonna be our first foot? desperately searching tall, dark and handsome.........

I only fit one of those and it's tall!! And I haven't any coal either!! Well that's what my Grandma used to get the T.D and H. person to bring in!

Btw I've found some Buttercup Syrup for the pills and potions pot. :o)

Yeeeeeeeehhh The Rams have just scored!! :o)

B****R so have Reading :o(

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I forgot it was match day Jude - I just heard it's Rams 2 - Reading 1 at the moment. I'm not a footy fan but the Pride Park stadium is pretty impressive!

Hi Robinia been a fan all my life through thick and thin! Don't go much now. It used to be the Baseball Ground in my day. Have been to Pride Park and you're right it is impressive.

If they can only just hold on they have beaten the top of their league!! :o)

Never mind eh! 2 all is better than losing!

I'm off out tonight to a party tonight so see you all next year!!

Haven't forgotten you Smudge.

-- answer removed --

HAPPY ::::::::::NEW :::::YEAR

love you All, Vinnyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

see you next year::::::::::::::::xxxxxxxxxxxx~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(:)

Just about to uncork the Asti Spumanti and unwrap cheese straws. How sophisticated am I, eh? Love to all BiddyBabes and Guys. Special thanks to the blessed Robinia (or may I call you Strumpet?) for creating this little haven.

Happy New Year Everybody

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.....breezing in full of vigour & positivity.....or is it vino & polony? mum used to eat that ugh, horrible!.....


Hope you haven't all got hangovers this did the mini-bar go? Still plenty left for tonight? I was a little worried we might get gate-crashers so I hired a guard who seems to have done his job very well....


speaking of jobs, he's left some very large ones in the back yard so it's over to you
Vinny....might be a bit of business for you...hahaha

Cetti please call me anything you like hehe (you obviously spotted my post!)

Right I'd better get me posh frock on for the New Years Day concert in Vienna.....

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