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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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Hello Robinia had great night in Shardlow. Got in about 2.00 am sober! (Driving)

Back to normal today, cooking dinner for me and my Dad. He's 91 and lives round the corner so not far to go.

Having a quite day today, might take 'deckies' and cards down depends on how lazy I feel and what's on the telly. Playing some calming music a Bread CD.

Looking forward to 2006..........

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Hi Jude - some good pubs in Shardlow when they're not submerged that is! Do you remember the New Inn when an orange juice meant a huge fruit cocktail?? Happy days.

Bless your dad - 91!!! It's lovely that you have him nearby.

Many Apologies but I can't sit hee long enough to catch up. Just called in to wish you all a Very Happy New Year and to send you all loads of love. (Typing is excrutiatingly painful at presejnt!) Have now got a Viral throat infection which is making me cough = great when you have a fracture in your spine and feel as if you have done several rounds with Mike Tyson. Again, sorry that I have not been reading the threads, but will catch up when I can.

Loads and loads of love to you all.


Yes Robinia had some good nights in Shardlow. Also remember the Harrington in Thulston they had gigs on a Saturday night, usually a 3 piece group which we used to follow! I think I would have been called a 'groupie'!! I remember the windy lane to get back to the main road. It was a devil to drive down in the fog. (And I'm still doing the driving!) Still get out to Shardlow quite a lot because it's on the doorstep.

Off to my Dad's now - catch you later :o)

I meant winding lane!

Happy New Year Gessoo

Get well soon :o)

my new year resolution was to wake up with a full set of teeth, but I seem to have broken it already. I hope nobody else has been quite so lax quite so quickly. Well, happy new year and a properly functioning body to all Biddies.
Happy New Year Gessoo...hope you will soon be feeling better.
Take care and God Bless
Sister Shaneystar.
We are on our way on the Biddybus with hot toddies ,Potters cough mixture and Sloanes Liniment !! Hide !!
Happy New Year Jude and Jno.
My body is functioning quite well at the moment ...but give it time !!
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-> -> -> -> -> -> -> squirt!

Just in case you've a ciggy about your person shaneystar, Happy New smoke free Year

jno sorry about your teeth, I've a set of those wind-up chattering ones if they're any goo?

gessoo - you poor thing you're in the wars aren't you? I'll ring Biddy services & see if we can get a hospital bed in the Grotto.....erm, but I don't do bedpans, sorry. Happy New year to you & jno.

Thank you so much (in order of messages received): Neti, Cetti, IAP, Robinia, Juno, Vinny, Woofgang, Jude123, Foxy.Fagin & ShaneyStar - for all your beautiful messages & support, regarding the sudden death of my dear sister Amy on Christmas morning. It's nice to know I have so many cyber-friends who care.

The last few days have been like living in a dream world, although I've had to keep some normality for my close family, it being Christmas & New Year. On the 23rd Dec, I wished Amy a happy holiday with her son & family in Spain - she died on the 25th, then was cremated on the 27th, so within 4 days, we had to deal with so many mixed emotions, it being that time of year too. My nephew is coming back to England on the 8th January, to arrange a service for Amy, which will give everyone a chance to say their cheerio (for now) to her.

We had a lovely New Years Eve at our youngest daughter's house. She & her other half, made a delicious Mexican meal for 11 of us, which took the 'edge' off things. I felt close to Amy all night, as I'd draped a beautiful deep red dress scarf around my neck, which Amy had bought me for Christmas - everyone commented on it, as it went well with my dark outfit & hair - so bless you for that Amy.

Again, thank you for thinking of me & my family & I'd like to take the opportunity of wishing you all a very Happy New Year 2006. -xxxx-

morning (?) all - have just crawled into Biddygrotto. Have toothache, headache and knee ache and sore feet - had a good new year. Bed at 4, up at 6 to pay for daughter's taxi, down the end of the lane. Am now making snacks as none of us feels like eating a big dinner. Will pop in later. Love to you all.
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Hope you are feeling a bit better this evening Neti. -x-

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morning all! good to see you with us smudge - we'll do our best to keep your spirits up.
Looking at this lot I think they they've been a tad too busy with the spirits.....I think they all need a squirt with the water pistol - I could do with a drop of 3-in-one myself, I'm a bit creaky today!

...........rummaging in potion pot.........
mmmm, yes, well, somebody had a bit of an itch I see. Hope it's better now. Is this the nit comb for your beard Vinny? Better get it fumigated before you pack it away with the santa suit, we don't want it to jump out & bite us next year.
I wonder whether we'll still be cooped up in here next xmas or whether Ed will have given us our own warden controlled accommodation....???
do grottoes automatically vanish on 12th night, with our carriages changing back to pumpkins and so on? Hate to see the place reclaimed by the quicksands, with all the leftover mince pies eaten by the alligators and the bran tub hung with Spanish moss.
Hello everyone - thanks smudge for your good wishes - yes I brought it on myself - so cannot complain (complan???) feel fine today apart from tooth which will be gone by tomorrow lunchtime. I apologise in advance as I am the biggest coward on earth and will witter on unnecessarily tomorrow about my pain etc. So bear with me. Have just been out for lunch with hubby and daughter (a very rare event) as daughter is usually in bed at lunchtime. Will take decs down tomorrow and get back to normal although we have the night of the 5th to celebrate but I think enough is enough and will stay home in the warm. Anyone got any red flannel underwear I can have as that's very comforting.
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jno I do hope the grotto doesn't disappear on 12th night - whenever that is. There's always an argument about 5th or 6th Jan but for me & all the people I know it's 6th. I think we'll take the holly off the door & call it the Red & Cross BiddyBay.

neti - can't help you with the flannel underwear I'm afraid but don't worry we'll send IAPickle out shopping for you. In fact, while he's out & about, I'm hoping he's going to bring in some supplies for us. All that's left is a box of dates, half a dozen wizened satsumas & the coffee creams. If you're in pain tomorrow I'll microwave my Beddy Bunny for you before I come out & you can cuddle him. Why do I apologise to him everytime I nuke him??

pushes son of puta>>>>>>>>(he goes back to uni sunday...will miss him...but nice to get on interweb to say hello to biddys)How are you all.!nice to hear from gessoo&smudge.hands nit comb over to Robinia>>>(and wd40)Dont forget to leave tooth under pillow netti..He He...(:)any bets on us having a biddygrotto in topics in the next 2 weeks?( :)

wave's hello to ed>hiya�

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Hi Vinny...........handing over shovel.........not cleaned up that lion poo yet I see......

mmm .....trouble is if they make a cubbyhole category for us but don't bring back CB we'll need a whole pride of lions to keep 'em out. Oh well, they'll be good for business.

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