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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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Hi gessoo,The ED has just said in quibbs post(ist one on suggestions) CB will not be returning.(:)
Well Vinny that's what he/she/it said in a private comunique to us before Xmas. Scroll back a way.

I am so worried that we will be closed down . Feels like the Sword of Damocles is hanging over our heads. Hope this thread can stay. What would I do all day with my Biddybanker pals


Dont worry netti,I think we will be okay.(:)
I hope you will forgive my interrupting the Biddygrotto and some of you will no doubt be very unhappy with me - but I would like to say that I see no reason why this thread should not stay intact and be usable for all who want to use it. It is large and may cause a problem from that point of view but I for one am all for you staying put. I love your sense of humour and it is a refreshing change to see your posts. If AB lets you stay I shall honestly be more than pleased.

Thank you flamingo97 it still amazes me how everyone finds us in the dank dark cellars of AB


oooops sorry - something went amiss there, will try again:


oh for heavens sake, stipid computer (certainly not my fault) sorry Flamingo it was a pretty bird for you.
*stipid* being old spanish word for stupid.

Flamingo97 - I can't think of any Biddybanker that might be upset by your posting on here. Being a Biddybanker has nothing to do with age (even though most of us are 50+), it's more about at attitude of mind, having a similar outlook and sense of humour, and above all tolerance and kindness.

I don't think you will find one catty or untoward remark on this whole thread directed towards each other, or, more importantly, to any other users on the whole of Answer Bank. It would be such a shame if that small element of Bankers who seem to enjoy upsetting people invaded us. Most of us would then have to abandon the thread as we don't go in for online wars!

Thanks for your kind remarks about us. Personally, BiddyBank has been a great asset to me, especially during a rather gruelling two or three weeks.

I am sure our High Priestess Robinia would echo my sentiments!!!

Best wishes.

Oh High Priestess Robinia is it now, and what pray, am I?


This describes who you are Netti!!


Hi ma biddies

Hope you all had a fantastic holiday - kept Vinny out of trouble and Netti in castanets - hey ho!

My vacation was nice and full of the ole California sun (at least when it wasn't raining!).

Nice to see that the AB maintained its madness quota while I was away and the newbies didn't run off with all the fittings and fixtures!

Dig the new hot tub, but shouldn't Vinny be wearing a swimming costume, I mean, this IS a family site.


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gasp .......panic......oh heck.......I succumb to a massive headache for a few hrs & come back to a threat of eviction hanging over us.....haven't looked into it yet as this was my first port of call - naturellement.

neti - I think this thread is being 'advertised' on other chat sites, maybe innocently but there might be some who resent us for it.

Flamingo your comments are welcome and as gesso says there's no place for animosity or arguments in here....although if Vinny doesn't pick his tinnies up he's going to get a talking to. It would be an awful shame to lose this little retreat - it's lightened far more darker days for me than anyone could know.

now then neti - peel me some grapes please while I don my Private Eye outfit & see what's afoot.....

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hey Ed welcome back!!! we posted at the same time but I know my place - erm, I won't beat about the bush.... please may we stay.....?

Ouch - I'm back. Thank you to all who asked after me.

I got through the minor surgery on my arm yesterday - the two anaesthetic injections stung like hell, but I didn't feel a thing after they kicked in. The Doctor had to cut off the lump, then dig deep to get to the core of it, as it was attached to a main vein, which had been causing profuse bleeding since October. I ended up with three stitches, a large dressing & musn't get it wet until the stitches are taken out in 8 days time. It was bliss at first & I was so relieved it was over & done with, but as the numbness wore off, the pain started. My arm & shoulder have been killing me all day, but it's subsiding now, thanks to strong painkillers.

On the subject of CB, I've just posted on this thread. I agree Neti , it would be such a shame to lose contact with our Biddy cyber friends, but hopefully the wonderful, fantastic Ed will let us continue!!!!

I was typing out my post & hadn't even read AB Ed's pink one! Thank you so much for allowing Robinia's 'secret' thread to remain. -x-

Robinia sorting out the AB Ed!!


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Hi smudge - That sounds nasty but glad you've survived & I hope it heals very quickly - in the meantime you are excused lav duty. Oh my generosity exceeds my good looks you know.

rips off fake tache - ouch - reveals real one

Well I don't know what to make of it out there - my ear has been burning all afternoon - maybe there's a board meeting in progress about our future. I think the best we can do is to be good (as always) and be quiet. If there's a loud knock at the door we might have to turn the lights out & pretend we're not here. Won't be difficult - some of us aren't quite all here anyway.....

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hahaha lol neti - I'll kiss (almost) anything if we can stay.
smudge I won't be happy until we have the deeds to our home.....
Ed we promise not to build too many extensions & we'll get the builders in to bring the LadsLav up to the AB spekkifikation......

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