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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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....and wondering how we slipped through the net....

Hi Robina, thought you'd like to read this:

Tip Top milk is the best of all

.....they'd be seeing psychologists themselves after reading all this lot.....

Bet that's where AB Ed spent her holiday, in a mental detox centre, trying to get rid of all the AB rubbish........

Hi Robinia, thought you might like to read this;

"Tip Top milk is the best of all

No t!ts to pull no hay to haul

No bucket to wash, no sh!t to pitch

Just poke a hole in the *** ** * *****!"

Did you know The longest recorded flight of a chicken is thirteen seconds.didnt bernardo hold the record for entering 5,000 answers?and AB didnt explode...?(:)

Whoops>>>>>>>who left that net there?

HI Smudge&gessoo...keep on trucking girls xxx

I'll try again:

Tip Top milk is the best of all

No t!ts to pull, no hay to haul

No buckets to wash, no sh!t to pitch

Just poke a hole in the s0n of a b!tch!

Bless you Vinny - I'm trying! -x-

Couldn't live wthout me butter though - so long live the Cow

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haha brilliant smudge - I'll save that for my sister, she's a tip top fan as well....don't think I've warned her about them changing it tho'.

Vinny I don't think our chickens would get off the ground - for anyone who missed the pic here's one again fresh back from the salon chic-chicken

are we being random today then?....I'll see what snippet of useless info I can find....

Good day to all. I am sat here in Hampshire (UK) at 14.30 and the day is a lovely bright one. Dog is asleep on her computer corner bed, she has an upstairs bed and a settee in the living room as well. Have just been reading the discussion about starting another thread and nort sure that the Ed could allow it. We are safe on the bowels of AB here and go (largely) unnoticed but I think that there might be a need for offical notice if we popped our heads up again (especially if Vinny had his curlers in). There has been wholesale clearance of the other chat threads.

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This funny was given to me by a neighbour - it's about 50 yrs old but still hilarious......


A young couple about to be married were looking over a house in the country. After satisfying themselves that it was suitable they made their way home.

During the car ride the young lady was very thoughtful. When asked the reason for her quietness she replied, 'Did you notice a W.C. at the house?' Edward, not having done so, wrote immediately to the landlord, inquiring as to where it was situated.

The landlord, not understanding what W.C. meant and, after thinking it over for a long time came to the conclusion that it meant Wesleyan Chapel, answered as follows:-

I very much regret the delay but have pleasure in informing you that the W.C. is situated about 9 miles from the house and is capable of seating 250 people. This is very unfortunate for you if you are in the habit of going regularly. No doubt you will be glad to know that a great number of people take their lunch with them and make a day of it. Those who cannot spare the time go by car and arrive just in time, but are generally in too big a hurry to wait. The last time my wife and I went was 6 years ago and we had to stand all the time. It may interest you to know that a bazaar is to be held to raise funds to furnish the W.C. with plush seats.
We may mention it pains us to be unable to go more freely.

Yours truly,

Ha..Ha..Robinia..That's not a chicken,that's the lads newloo brush...!...did you know.......well stone me............

Ancient Egyptians slept on pillows made of stone!

um..methinks that guest house I stayed them from the same shop...(:)

lovely, and glad to see smudge posting silliness!!

Did you know that most whelks are left handed?

Hi Woofy,Yep I think we should lay lo..till the ED informs us of our new-topic.

Thats brill Robinia,did they buy the house then?He..He....(:)

nice and sunny uk..14:50

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Hi woofgang - you've not still got the gas man there then? ;-)

I see the wind is going to be coming from the south tomorrow - just hope Vinny's finished with eating sprouts.

nope, gas man never arrivethed because their computer system broke down. All the appointments are logged on the server and the indivdual gasmen download them to their laptops. Except when the server goes down they can't and the central office didn't know they couldn't and didn't know if all the gasmen knew they couldn't as some canny mortals also print off a calls sheets but most don't. Central office also didn't know who was booked for a call that day as they couldn't get into the server either!!!!!!!

A very helpful very flustered lady at the office apologised profusely, re booked my service and said if anyone turns up tell them to phone in as the server covered emergency call outs as well!!!!!!!!

Oh well I guess its a good excuse to spend another morning lolling around the house talking to you folk

well I hope he cooks them first!!


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Oh no - don't you just love 'em? A case of 'computer says nowt'

not sure vinny is a sprout salad man but I think he might be that right V?

Yep Robinia,That's 3 of us,pickle,shaney,and me...

We've got you surrounded....! Hands up...(:)

And I do love sprouts....!..stick's bum out of window>>>>>>>>>to derby and beyond....!

This is AB Ed now that there is no CB to police:


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