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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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morning all, what a grey day!! busy day today and busy weekend (cleaning, sigh) so see you all on Monday. Musn't forget to get the euro lottery tickets, oh to be a retired biddy of leisure!!
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glides in on ironing board fitted with castors - Morning all....make a space in the poorly corner for me please. (Fibromyalgia) pain kicked in big style today- feel like I've been hit with a cricket bat between shoulders & waist, and my arms & legs feel like lead weights are attached...... a warm shower helped a little but came down to find gas, leccy and phone bill all arrived at once (strewth, how the prices have risen).......sob....and it's Friday 13th.....

I have to apologise for my outfit - it's the comfy baggy crimplene look today, but don't worry, the crimples that went into making it all died happy before 1967.

You're painting a lovely picture Dolly but do you get lots of huge spiders & biting bugs? I'm not phobic - just very allergic. I'd probably have to wear a space suit if I lived there. I pass a paddock with wild pensioners in it on my way to the shops - I'm one of the youngest where I live. We hardly see the youger ones that are here, & you never see them scrubbing the doorstep or swilling the back yard in their curlers.....tut......

Hope you win woofgang......don't forget the Biddies when you're on your own island.....

Mornin' BiddyBankers

Just want to drop in quickly (there's a war brewin' in Q&P, it appears some letters have gone missing! - yes, I know, my wit falls very short of biddy standards :)

and ask that you tread carefully around the ole bran tub today - we don't any Friday the 13th mishaps!

AB Editor

hello Ed, you tread carefully too, some of those Q and P denizens can be nasty. We have replaced to bran tub with a potions pot (our slogan "you have the problem, we've had it too and have got a half used cure floating around somewhere, don't mind the hair, that's where I used it on the dog... it worked a treat too, once she came home again....")


I will take your advice about the Q&Pers, one of 'em once accused me of having no morals!

Now, how did he/she find out about that one time at my best friend's wedding?! Never trust a groomsman!

Sorry you're feeling crook tto Robinia might be as well to go back to bed and keep warm (neti and Vinny will look after the Grotto I'm sure ).I'm almost immune to the mossies etc .just a quick scratch and then I forget it .We have spiders in our backyard jungle (too hot to go out and prune !) but they don't bother us .they eat mossies and other little critters .Just the cockroaches I don't like so we keep everything screened ,windows and doors then it's action stations if one gets in because someone left the door slightly open !
hope you feel better tomorrow Robinia and gessoo and jno etc.
Hi ED,The blooming cheek,saying you had no morals....!now what did happen at that wedding..?...I promise I wont tell a soul...(:)
Hi all
Grey and murky here.
Sorry you are not too well Robinia ..hope you feel better soon.I go up and down like Tower Bridge..was fine yesterday and feel like nothing on earth today.

Stop flashing that tooth's blinding me.!

Dolly eldest brother and his family went out on the ten pound passage in 1967 and live near Perth.

What's the war brewing on Q&P? There's never any aggro on there .I shall have to pop over and have a look. We all rub along nicely on there.Dear oh dear.I shall have to bop them over the heads with my Dictionary if they are fighting!!

Hope everyone else is O:K..Take care all and have a good day and a lovely weekend.

Morning all.Feeling a bit better today just have a raging cough which apparently is part of the virus. Hey Ho! Thanks for all good wishes.

AB ED Nice to see you back but please why haven't you answered my question in Suggestions? Or aren't you reading them now? I really am quite a harmless person.

Hello Biddiebuddies one and all. Lots of Love to all that are ailing (in fact lots of love to all of you). My friend has just come and done two hours housework for me and made me laugh and given me a big cuddle, so I feel content with life today. She is coming back on Monday too.

Thank you so much In A Pickle for the lovely hypnotic picture. Lots of kisses being blown in your direction.

Robinia, I am so sorry you are having a rotten time at the moment. I am an ME sufferer (17 years), I believe Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, etc. all have very similar symptoms. Most of the time now I am fine (well not exactly at the moment!) but all the painful muscles and joints and exhaustion come back when I am under the weather. However, I mustn't complain becausecompared to the early stages years ago, it is far less debilitating nowadays.

Doctor says I can start work again on 24th January, all being well.

Dolly I have been to Oz, but only briefly to Brisbane and then by train down to Gosford where I spent a month with my Aunt and obviously took in Sydney, Blue Mountains, etc. I went during the Australian early Spring so didn't spy many insects, although my Aunt had a large snake living under her mobile home! My cousin lives between Freemantle, Australia and Cheddar in Somerset as she likes the best of both worlds and has a house in both towns. I really loved Sydney and would love to go back - perhaps one day, who knows!!!!!

Off now for a short trip out to get some fresh air. We have some blue sky this side of Norfolk Shaneystar.

(Just popping over to suggestions and Q&P first to see what punch-ups are going on!)

Oh, and Hello Ed and love to you as well. You are always welcome to come in here and join us when the going gets tough out in the big AB world x

So Ed which one are you at your best friend's wedding???


Why are we all falling apart? Is it the curse of AB? or Friday the 13th. Actually I feel fine today (will probably fall down some steps now!!) maybe I am midnight's child.

To all the ailing biddies, get well soon xxxxxx

Vinny and Neti - the caretakers of the Biddygrotto until everyone else is up and running:


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Thanks all - what a day it is....even the birds haven't bothered today.

I just tottered in to see whether anyone has a spare balaclava - I'm having a seriously bad hair day today - and I see we've been honoured by a visit from the Great Pink One (leave it Vinny)....

Hi Ed, good to see you're keeping them in order out there <<<<< some of them scare me silly. If you think you have it tough I was once accused of being vague and confused!!....

.....erm what did I come in for??... oh yes, a on, I'll get there in a minute....

Dolly the thought of neti & Vinny holding the fort is slightly worrying.....seems they've been overdoing the post xmas diet too - I'll have to make some suet pudding.

mmmm....who put Bob Martins in the pills pot? Oh well, I'll give them a whirl, might help with the bad hair, but it'll take a miracle to get me to wee up the linepost....

You're proboably wondering what I'm on about - having a question banned. It was an inoccuous one about 'had chatterbank moved to AB suggestions' and there were only about 9 posts which were just chat. And it was banned. Nothing argumentative or abusive. Anybody any ideas why it would be banned? I feel quite upset about it! :o(

I just had to tell you


Only about 200 yards, but it feels like I have conquered Everest. Went to Castle Acre which is just a beautiful ruined Castle in wonderful countryside close to us. Stood on the hill and surveyed the countryside. I walk at snails pace and have to be very careful and hang on to the handrail on the steps, but who cares


I'm gettin quite paranoid now! Robinia If I've said anything that upsets this thread then I am very sorry! I for one have appreciated every post on here and read it all through.
Well done Gessoo I wish I could have been with you!

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