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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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sorry gessoo forgetting you - glad your pain is easing, just feeling better mentally helps - it becomes a vicious circle of pain > feeling down > more pain.
So do we invite Damon to do the honours then to open an oldies category? He still looks good to me....those eyes......

hellow world... back from the dentist with my new gold crown... sigh...

jno you look just great, especially in that hat! Let's hope your next dentist visit is a long way off.

Dolly, great to hear your story and hope we can keep the contact up. (Please Ed)

For Robinia

Do you know, I think he looks even better now and I just love old rockers

Nice eyes

I didn't know this:

Definition of Gessoo

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<ting> the biddies are dazzled as the reflection from the gaslight bounces off jno's new crown - lovely!

haha I'd heard of it gessoo but had assumed it was spelt jesso - one lives and learns

I popped in to say sommink specific & it's gone right out of my head......It'll be Damon's hypnotic eyes..

I'll just bumble about a bit & it might come back to me.....Is there anything good in the cauldron? It's getting colder by the hour & I could do with something that'll stick to me Vinny, not pvc.....

He He...just typed pvc..and up popped, paradise valley community...dont want them lot sticking to yer ribs...!Robinia.

On a thread in news about anjolinia and bradd pit...someone's called someone a Morngy moo...?what the blinking heck is that......!...(:)

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lol Vinny - where I come from it means mardy a'poth (pronounced aypoth) - so now ya know.
Um making that up..Robinia..!!!!.......Im totally confuzzled :(-
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Vinny your reply in suggestions in the post about the death penalty had me in fits but I daren't say anything in case I got put in the stocks. Some of them get a bit scary....I'm just a love and peace HippyBiddy...

hippie PEACE>>>>MAN


Im a HippieBiddy ::::::::To.....(:)Faaaarrrr-out>>>>>>>>

Hello and goodbye - been busy today, so will see my hippiebiddies ma�ana. Love and kisses xxxx
Thanks for the photo Vinny ,I'm the one in the pink skirt .Brought a tear to me eye ! thought I'd never see that piccie again ,I'll get it framed! We didn't need a stagecoach to get there Robinia but I guess coming from Blackpool you would otherwise a long walk.I used to ride over on my pennyfarthing bike ( sorry I don't have a piccie ) Thanks to all who answered re ny lifestory it's nice to feel cared about .This morning bright and sunny as usual ,hubby hobbling around with a dickyknee but still insists on going shopping ... guess Ill have to call the stagecoach line to come and collect us !!! We pass a paddock with wild kangaroos in it on the way to the shop ,sometimes though there will be a dead one on the road,it's these newfangled motors they go too fast ! Just have to get my hat with the corks on to keep away the flies before we go out ! Bye for now ,Best wishes to all in pain ,get well soon .
Morning i am confuzzled.(:)
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I don't believe it IAP ,I also have a Hiatus Hernia and despite being on excellent medication it has decided to play up every night this week (I would not call it a friend !)I take one tablet a day before Dinner (or Tea as we used to call it )it's called NEXIUM (esomeprazole magnesium trihydrate ).What do you take ? Oh the pleasures of getting older !
That picture is just the thing for gessoo ,she'll love it take her mind off her pain .IAP. Love my doll that's what I need more rest .

Morning all-lovely sunny but chilly day at present.

Dolly my brother and his wife went to Oz in 1963 for �10 on the Canberra. They are now Nationalised Aussies and they are in Perth and they love it. My dad was desperate to send me, and kept shoving �10 notes at me, but I refused. Wonder what I would be doing now had I gone? Hubby and I are thinking about visiting there soon.

gessoo, smudge, jude hope you are all feeling better today.

jno glad the dentistry work is over, wow bet you look nice, I've always wanted a gold tooth, don't think they do them over here.

Robi, Vinny, woofy and Pickle just not to leave you out - hello!!!

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