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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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And Sweet Dreams to you Too Robinia. :o)
Well here goes: Aged 58 - 59 in April
First crushes Adam Faith, Jet Harris of the Shadows and Joe Brown (always preferred blonde men). Yes, I remember sugar-starched petticoats, white plastic belts and white stilettos. Was a long thin gawky teenager but managed to develop into a tall and slender blonde rock chick in the 60/70s. Adored leather hot pants and long boots (ha, ha). Was a real wild child. Got married and became a mum at 36. Still a real wild child at heart but now look more like a fat old mother hen than a rock chick. Have lost 2� in height and seem to have almost doubled in width!!! Adore rock music, the louder the better and hate canned pop music. Fascinated by Robbie Williams!!!
Oh Gessoo you do make me laugh !
Here goes me..Age 58 last week. Boo Hoo !!
Was a huge Elvis fan ..used to cut out all his pics and put them in a scrapbook .Ditched Elvis in favour of The Rolling Stones,Beatles and Kinks.
Was also a tall thin long haired hippy and am now also twice as wide and an inch shorter.Used to hang around with lads with scooters and wear very short skirts and crocheted mini dressesand flares..My Dad used to say "Don't bend over,people will be able to see what you had for breakfast ".
Have developed into a miserable old crow with not many teeth left and a walking stick !!!
Oh I forgot married at 23,two sons one of which is still half living with us.Well his dirty washing is anyway !
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Morning all - another grey day here

lol gessoo - I've also had a soft spot for blonde men too & have met Joe Brown - lovely man. Funny you should say you're fascinated by Robbie 'cos that's exactly what I say I am. I thought he was odd & a bit scary when he first went solo & I still think he looks very troubled sometimes.... he's fantastic entertainment on stage & love the music except for Millennium - I turn that one off. I loved all music but it was the Beatles who really grabbed me - still love the music.

shaneystar you made me howl with the 'breakfast' comment - that's what my mum used to say. She also told us that when she was young she had to see the doctor & he looked at her bottom. When she asked her mum why he'd done that she told her it was to see whether her hat was on straight.

Perhaps best not mention I'm still, sorry

btw IAP, in answer to your question.....No, must have been just you. lol!

Well where do I start? Also adored Elvis, but then I adored most pop singers anyway, I was mod, and rocker depending on the bf, alsdo when I came over here I was young looking so was also a disco diva (my sister was Miss Ibiza, and Miss Grace and Elegance and she was 32 - so the papers lied and said she was 22!!!) I was a primary school teacher, a foster mother for a short while (when my best friend beggared off and Social services had to track down her husband in the Army), secretary, GP telephonist, window dresser and more, how I've packed so much in I do not know. Was a hippie, went without shoes for a year in England (thought that was my "thing"). Rode a Souped up Tiger Cub, a Velocette 350, passed my Car Driving test at 42 (in Spain), married at 31 had my daughter at 42, goes on and on, retired at 45.And now paying for my sins with aches and pains.

Did any of you do the Briget Bardot thing and wear jeans in the bath and let them dry on you - sure that caused my arthritus.

I'll amend that - I passed my driving test at 45!!
Gosh that was brave at 45 Neti.I have never learnt to drive.My brother tried to teach me many years ago and we ended up having a row. He said I spent too much time gazing around and not looking where I was going. My men keep nagging me to learn ..but I am too old now for it all to sink in and with the amount of traffic on the roads would be a nervous wreck !.We don't have a car and I have to rely on my son ,when I can catch him ,to pick me up from Asda or run me to Tescos.My other son lives in Germany.The last car we had was a Renault 4 back in 1976.Mr.S can drive but flatly refuses to run a car.We do need one here really ...I suppose we were spoilt all those years in London with a good public transport system. I am lucky though, that if my brother is going for a spin he will take me along...Another brother lives in Suffolk and comes up about every couple of months and then we have a day out.I am grateful for small mercies !!
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Evenin' all - been very quiet in here today I see. Hope you're all ok. This is only a flying visit to give the bad news to the lucky person who's on lav duty tomorrow morning.......

Hope you've plenty of harpic ooooh!!!

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Evening case its ready..He He..


Hope everybodys okay..(:)

Hello all! Just had to watch Foyles War. I love that little programme. No swearing and old fashioned. Foyles car, I think it's Wolseley, I love. My Grandad had one of them a Wolsely 14. It had running boards and red leather seats. loverrly! He gave it to my Dad and Mum. Mum learnt to drive in it, she was in her 40's Neti And she drove until she was 81. Not in the Wolsely I might add. Grandad bought a Citroen light 15 after that which eventually came to my Dad as well.
PS I can even remember the reg. no. of the Wolseley DML 346. How sad am I?
Just watched Foyles War Jude...great programme. Michael Kitchen is a good actor and I love the girl who plays his sidekick Holly Weeks.It's so nostalgic ..all that stiff upper lip and trilby hats.
As for that lav Jno..reminds me of the cold holes we used to have up various yards!! Brrrr !
Honestly........IAP and his toilets !!! Ha Ha!!
I think we will have to vote IAP as being on lav duty this week Robinia.!
How on earth will he shift that elephant.Do you think that could be our Brenda?

I can definitely see a glint in her eye! So it could be Brenda!

Shaney At the risk of sounding pedantic I think it's Honeysuckle Weeks in Foyle's War. I love the way she talks.

Yes that's her Jude ..Honeysuckle..what a lovely name.
What made me say Holly? .Ever dottier by the day!!
She speaks so nicely and I like to think this how well brought up "Gels"..used to be .

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