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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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Hi all...
Jude ..they sign in using a very similar name Eg digit different or a hyphen or number.I am not the only one it has happened too.
I can't understand what pleasure people get in doing such stupid things.The thing is it causes confusion.I know I ramble on and write a lot of old squit at times but if I answer a Q then I try to be helpful.But if these clones were to start making silly comments then people think it is you.
Hope you are all well on this damp and dreary morning.Well it is here anyway..which doesn' t help the old Arthur Ritis.
Yes Gessoo..I can just imagine us causing havoc in a doctors surgery !!
I hope you feel O.K. after that jab Neti.
I love your picture Robinia...there used to be a shop here ,where after we went decimal..way back in 1970.?..not sure...the owner still priced his stuff up in old money.It was a quant little menswear shop and and we used to laugh at mens underpants priced four and eleven.I'll swear all the stock was prewar. He never went decimal.

Anyway all..have a good day..I am still hanging around in my i must get a shift on.He ! He!

Netti arrives back from the Doctors


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shaneystar I can still add � s d up in my head - pity when I can hardly remember my own phone number sometimes. Well you don't ring your own no. when there's only a spaniel at home to answer. And he's got a mobile anyway - he calls the rspca if I've made his ready brek lumpy or been out too long.

lol gessoo !!

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Is anyone having bubble & squeak - it's a monday thing isn't it? I really fancy some - wish I hadn't thought of it.....

Just had a big piece of french stick filled with hot sausages and tomato sauce and it was yummy and very slimming!

I love Bubble and Squeak Robinia, but we never seem to have any food left over.

Summing up enthusiasm to go shopping to the Supermarket. I really need to stock up. The boys have done admirably with shopping and cooking since my accident, but lots of essentials have run out.

My house looks cleaner than it has for years since my friend has been putting in twice weekly visits. Also the ironing pile is no longer and the dust has gone. Now I shall have to keep up with her standards.

Bl!mey, can't believe I've been away from the Grotto since last Wednesday! I've been out & about - only picking up my e-mails, so hope alls well with you & your's.

I had a wonderful facial yesterday & my youngest daughter also plucked my eyebrows - always makes me feel better.

Vinny -Thank you so much for your message. Having my stitches out tomorrow, then await the results from the lab which I'm sure will be fine.

Neti - do hope you feel much better after your injection. I've had those in the top of my spine & for Tennis Elbow, they worked a treat.

Robina - just read your � s d post which brought back memories - I'm now going to set myself a few sums & test the old brain cells - I promise I won't use cheat & use a calculator!

Robinia - my husband makes the most delicious bubble & sqeak, in either round or square shapes - just like what Mum used to make.

How did I do Robinia?

� s d

4 11 6

7 8 9

2 11 4

3 7 8


17 19 3


Hope the tabs work ok!

Well the tabs didn't work Robi, as it's squashed them all together - hope I get a star if you can work it out to be correct Miss!
I reckon You are right Smudge �17.19s. 3d
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gessoo it's odd how we hate housework until we can't do it. Don't worry, the novelty of being able to do it again soon wears off.

hi smudge - glad your arm's healed and you're ok.

In theory I'm clearing clutter today - in practice I'm stuffing it all back in the cupboard or moving it to a different one....I must be more ruthless....

Ooh stop it you lot are making me feel hungry.
Hi Smudge..glad you are feeling better.
My mother used to call decimal coinage ..Dismal money!!
She still added all her bills up in old money and when I used to do her shopping she would convert it all back to pounds,shillings and pence. I remember buying her a cream cake which cost 25p and her horrified remark of "Five shillings ..for a cake !!"
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correct smudge! - it's going to be a useful trick at Sainsbury's this week....take some old money with you & try using it!

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I bet neti remembers groats

...runs out quick in case she's back with her biceps twitching.....

Ouch! I'm back. Had a right giggle at gessoo's piccy of me!

smudge this is my second injection (I hope I'm not one to moan!!) and the first didn't work, and have to have one more next month! Then I'm appearing in a freak show:


Jude I was cloned once by netlbiza (see how similar it is) and it was IAP who kept my sanity throughout as it was horrible. That's how I got close to him. yummy xxxx

Does anyone remember the old Sainsbury's or Home and Colonial with their black and white tiled floors, wire cheese cutters and wooden counters with marble tops. I can still smell those shops - love 'em. And wasn't there a little booth where one had to pay????

Yes, I remember the 'old' Sainsbury's Neti - also the Co-op where your money was put into a container & sent to the cashier's office, then your change came whizzing back down the line back to you!

I used to love shopping in the smaller stores back then - very friendly & much more personal.

I really dislike todays Supermarkets!

Oh yes smudge weren't those rocket things wonderful - mum used to have to buy something to keep us happy watching them, We were 7 natural children, 2 adopted, and several fostered, so like you smudge always a crowd and always something needed to buy!
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I don't remember paying neti - I could run in those days hehe - I remember the smell tho' - all shops had their own smell. My favourite had to be the hardware - paraffin/metallic/woody smell....lovely.

If anyone spots me on this site giving out intelligible, eloquent, useful advice you can bet it'll be an impostor.

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