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suzie4U | 20:41 Tue 31st Jan 2006 | Site Suggestions
68 Answers
for CB to be reopened. Please Post below


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I`ll vote again to tell you all to stop chatting on here and just sign your
count me in too!!! the sooner it comes back the better!!!

Oh me. me. me I'm signing


count me in, hi all x

I'll get shouted at if I vote again, plus I know it will attract staunch disapproval, so I'll not, hi linda, bez, med, dove! Slippers! Elvis! Well done Suzie! Can I vote on behalf of my daughter though, she is at work.
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No Problem You just did lol
I'll sign.
CT wishes for chatterbank to be returned please.
Hello to you all - long time no see. Yes vote me in and any one who votes against it, do not have to visit it, what's difficult about that!

My thoughts EXACTLY netibiza! I never visit the science section, but if it were removed, I'd support a petition of users who wanted it bringing back. No need to be a sour puss is there!? :-)

My vote - Bring it back (You won't catch me in there but I know it would make some of you happy - so bring it back!)

here's my autograph (signature)


Yep reopen CB!

I'm in!! *signs*

I'm in too. We NEED somewhere for general chat!


Please count me in

i am definitly in!

<runs in late- again>

Me, I'm in, being it back pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Ed, we love you!!!!

(will bribery work?)

Count me in :)

I missssss yoooooouuuuuu guuuuuuyyyyyyysssssss :'(


Apart from Elvis, where are all the guys?

pixi says yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

>big smiles for abed and promises of lots of cake<

oooooo, and me!! i have no life since it closed. waaaaaahhhh!!!!!

i'm with B00 - does bribery work? i'm sure there's something i can bribe the bosses with.

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