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suzie4U | 20:41 Tue 31st Jan 2006 | Site Suggestions
68 Answers
for CB to be reopened. Please Post below


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I heard about this so i thought that i would re-appear to cast my vote!


Missing you all xxxxxxxxxxx
cat? gill? come on !
sorry cat an gill xx dove just wanders off to bang her head against the last unwanted crown xxx

I'm in...


Hi Folks! Count me in toooooooooo!!!!........ Hi linda, Cat, pixi, Dot, Dak etc, etc,etc. xxx :-)
Take my vote - what ? I've already signed? put it down to Alzheimer's. Put my name down again in case I've already forgotten.

Awwww look.. all the gangs together again. This is going to make me cry. :o(

Ed? We NEED Cb back.. pleeeeease!

Love ya all, Rubes xx

Hi all. I've tried to be veeeeery good by avoiding chatting in the Suggestions section as best I could, but giving sensible answers to sensible questions in sensible categories asked by sensible people is giving me a pain in the noggin.

*signs petition*

There ya go.

I'll sign



ile say yes too seen as though you all seem so lost withoout it

this is ace....

How's this for a show of solidarity eh???

netti wanders in again all confused - have I already signed, no idea.

signs again

dove *********
not that anyone ever takes any notice of me but for what it's worth .................................

NFN wants CB back ASAP, I can't cope with new places, they fry my brain!

count me in

If I knew how to spell "X", I'd vote for it too. Doh!

Count Wardy in.

Unlike you to be late on parade WM
wht hasn't Ned Flanders signed, is AB ED gonna acknowledge this?

I'm in tooo!

count me in!

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