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woofgang | 09:50 Thu 23rd Feb 2006 | Site Suggestions
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lol at the last entry, go take a look see if you do too (that's to make it a question!)


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Have been rushed to the doctors as there's an outbreak of Legionaire's Disease here, blamed on the fountain in front of where I have my coffee, as several people over here have it, and have been tested and prodded and poked and"coff please" but they don't think I have it, so am on anti biotics for a week, during which time If I cough up black blood I have to go immediately to hospital. Must say I still don't feel 100%, so am going back tobed.

Welcome Kit was it a year ago that we met - brilliant day.
Hi All especially Kit good to see you back. I know I don't come on as often as lots of you but i would really miss you if you went away and I couldn't catch up with all your posts etc. so thanks for keeping me up to date with everything including where we're going.

Just had to fetch my car back it has passed it's MOT and had a full service so I'm ok for another 12 months but I am seriously thinking of getting a newer one. My car mechanic says he will help me to look. So I may take his advice.

Enjoyed the song Kit I really sang it to the right tune, as best I could, my neigbours must think I'm bonkers.

Hope you are ok Neti and your worries are unfounded.

Off for the usual cuppa now see yer later 'gater(s)

Hi all, it's very autumn-like and dreary here today and for the first time no caf� chairs in the park like earlier this summer. This month will be horrid, it's going to be cold indoors but not quite cold enough for the heating to come back on after the summer cessation.

Spoke to a friend on the phone (the one who likes pigs), her refrigerator is falling apart and her guy (the one who guessed my gift was a pig "because it's pig sized") told her she must get a new one. "But I only just did!" was her reaction, whereupon he had asked her oh you did? when? and when she started thinking about it and counting the years it turned out to have been in 1987...

Is it a year today Neti - and here am I still walking about in the same clothes (that Moroccan jacket, I more or less sleep in it). / That coffee place by the fountain, would that by any chance be where you sat down after you were almost run over?? Jaysus Neti I can't figure out whether you're lucky or unlucky...! ..but I'm so relieved to hear they don't think you've got L.D.

Oh please Jude couldn't you accompany yourself on the piano singing My Favourite Things the Senior Version and post it to YouTube and then here? Please please please please please...?

Now if you'll excuse me I've got to work out for my next flight What? That's the way we've always done it at Arlanda airport Vinny and then we bring the x-ray images with us to our next dentist's appointment.
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Hi all
Neti, nothing kills a biddy, just gargle with Fennings Fever mixture and you will be fine....seriously, take it easy and get well soon.
Has everyone else had horrible grey sweaty weather today? It has been truly unpleasant here and this weather briings out the flies and midges in the forest just to add the cherry on the top...we need a good thunderstorm IMO.

DH has got to change the hinges on the bedroom door...the one with new carpet, because there now isn't enough be honest....really did any of you know that rising butts came in left and right handed versions???

am going to let someone else google for the rising butt images....see you all tomorrow
Wakey Wakey..!!
lovely morning out there...okay..its still dark...found a brilliant website on BBC News.You can search your surname to see which country its most popular in.Mine is
Country FPM
CANADA 564.57
IRELAND 314.39
∧ ∨ yo .
its an English name but more popular in Australia...
♫ tie me Kangeroo down boy.♫ hehe...later dudes>>>(:O)

you want to post that one again, wallaby wannabe? The link doesn't work but it sounds interesting.
morning troop...

Happy retirement jno...I daresay you'll be busy but
you can join the high speed knitting circle now

Couldn't make it yesterday, had a monster headache aided & abetted no doubt by the muggy atmosphere as you said woofy...I took a long cool glass of soluble paracetemol out side (ugh!) & looked down to see that the grass was absolutely crawling with what looked like small hoverflies, there wasn't a place to put your feet!

Don't despair neti I'm sure it's just the awful virus that's been going around over here that you took home with you, some people have taken about 3 weeks to shake it probably caught it on the plane, aren't they supposedly bug breeding machines?

Kit at least youseem to have had a summer to look back on...every time, except for one or two days, that I looked on the webcam you were bathed in sunshine. Have they declared netiday a national holiday? mmm, she seems to have been inspirational

Thanks for posting that names link Vin! I heard about it on the radio but would had's just as I thought. I've been sceptical about this Italian business & from that I see our name, (apart from the States & Canada) is most popular in Auvergne, France!!! (anyone been?) Always knew there must be a reason I took to French. My mum was never impressed..."What good's that going to be...?" My granddaughter was learning Spanish but went off it when they introduced French (she's only 6) & when I asked why she said 'I don't know, I just like it.....'
zut alors!
Its really busy,that site.
but you can see this new advert ...I know yer all in bed before the watershed so here it is hehe..!yo sexy init..!(:O)
Yo,got through again..this is interesting,the top places where people with my surname live and somebody with my surname was one off the Pilgrim Fathers....
Area Name FPM
∧ ∨ they must have had ants in their pants haha..(:O)
Morning all- what is Vinny on - I'd like some!!! Am attempting to potter round the house today, but very weakly. Mr N brought home a Lobster Thermidor for me last night so felt I had better do something today. Am cooking his dinner for him for after golf as I'll be back in bed by then.

Now then; now then jno hope you are not idling around the house looking scruffy, take them there rollers out of the hair and get out the cleaning utensils. Now starts a new phase of your life, coffee mornings, lunches oh it's wonderful!
Morning All hope you all have a good weekend.
Happy retirement Jno I'm getting quite used to it now after all. Found it quite difficult at first having gone out to work all my life but must admit to enjoying it now.

Still trying to get on that site Vin There are only about 6 of us in the telephone directory - wonder how many in the world !!
Bye for now! :o)
Well my maiden name is western Europe English(?) and most pop�lar in Oz and NZ and East Anglia and Sussex (from whence I hail). No comments about criminals being deported to Oz as the site (ahem) goes to great lengths to assure me that in my particular case were were governors. tic!!!
well the city with the most of my name is Naalehu, Hawaii!!
oh quel domage!
fancy living here it looks horrible..... ;o)

and look at what they've got!!!....yee-ha

right, I've got a letter or two to write
"Dear long lost Cousin................"

♫<hums Hawaii five-O.....>♫

where are you finding your added info? does it come up automatically? In which case they know nowt about us - best thing really. :o)
"tongue in cheek!" Robinia dear, thought I confuse jude with that, not you!!!
a little bit of the info is top right, Robinia, but I can't see the street-by-street calculations Vinny is getting... must be because there are more of him than there are of me.
this is neat, somebody linked to it in another thread rfall/
Confused Neti I'm totally bamboozled!! :o) Leaving all the technology to you lot. I might catch up one day.
I'm supposed to be going to Darley Park tonight for music and fireworks but the weather seems to be against us.
Still I suppose there's time for it to stop raining yet.

See yer later 'gater(s) !!

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