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Hen or chicken

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netibiza | 00:23 Thu 09th Mar 2006 | Site Suggestions
503 Answers
Not a q or suggestion, but would just like to say how proud I am that one of my q's has ended up on the current question list for all to see. Thanks Ed. No replies needed.


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Now there's a conundrum Robinia!

Yum smell gorgeous petal...!!..(thought you had been nabbed nicking from war-on-want again...haha)

haha..wouldnt it be funny if you had both been married to the same guy...( :-)we could get some juicy stories then...fingers crossed...hehe...!!

I've not had any of this chanel for about 25 yrs - I must get some, I'm driving myself wild let alone anyone else. No I don't think he's been married to Jude but he's on wife no 3 so there's still a chance.....

anyway, I've got juicy stories that don't involve him.....but they're all on another site ;-)

right I think this old chicken shack needs cheering up a bit....ah, a nice cliff poster should do it

that's better

now what shall we have on the jukebox......?

........ if you find a new lump in your sugar bowl....

Well looks like an early night for me tonight. My friend couldn't go out again, her injured knee is too bad and I think she will have to rest it for a few days. What time do you usually pack up on here on a Saturday night then? Mind you if I don't get a reply I will know wont I ha ha!! :o)

lol Robinia... right, have been up more than 2 hours (sister flying in from Singapore) and may have to return to bed shortly. Especially since I am an evening worker, so have just jetlagged myself while going no further than Heathrow. No doubt I will dream of all you biddies... and wake up with a swearing cat on my face, probably...


Sunday morning - I have been up, done some housework, made some brunch, waved MrG goodbye (he's off to work elsewhere for a couple of days) and am now off to the beach with MasterG plus dogs. I shall avoid Cromer (too many Cliffs Robinia!)/

I expect jno is snoring away again by now!

Enjoyed all your posts. Jude, you make me so envious - where do you find your energy, gal?

See you soon


Oh, jno that bunny is just so sweet :o)

There is a question in B&S about Neti Pots. I thought is was about our Neti. Have any of you heard of them?


had a much needed nap and am now at the office ... like those pots, gessoo ... they need a slogan:

neti - gets up your nose!

Question Author
I'm not sure I like that!!!

'Neti gets up your nose' eh jno! he he.

If your nose is full of snot, then get yourself a Neti Pot!

Went walking from Morston along the coastal path towards Blakeney. It was just beautiful but somewhat invigorating. The dogs had a wonderful time.

Came home, made an early meal and watched the Grand Prix - well some of it, because we all (dogs included) fell asleep!!!

Sea birds have started choosing their nests and loads of geese flying over today. Beautiful Norfolk skies. Spring is imminent!

Oh well, I popped back but nobody here these evening. Where are you all?

Hiding from me

no, just busy overworking

Mmmmm, Night worker eh jno?

The truth about jno

gessoo I'm startled to see that cartoon is 10 years old - I didn't even know what a chatroom was 10 years ago. Actually, I'm still not sure what a hard drive is

Me neither jno!

I'm just finishing a Southern Comfort, hoping it will make me feel sleepy. Seem to have got a second wind tonight!!

Question Author

"neti gets right up your nose" INDEED!!!!!! I have taken great offence and wish the instigators to apologise - I say apologise!!! or twill be worse for you


By the way bit chilly here again today, daughter's bag was stolen Friday night with 3 mobile phones and her residence card and bank book. I am rather despondant at the moment as have only just finished paying her outstanding mobile bill (her father doesn't want to know as he's furious with her lifestyle) so am begging a old phone from friends for her as I think she needs one when out driving. Kids who'd have 'em?

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Hen or chicken

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