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Hen or chicken

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netibiza | 00:23 Thu 09th Mar 2006 | Site Suggestions
503 Answers
Not a q or suggestion, but would just like to say how proud I am that one of my q's has ended up on the current question list for all to see. Thanks Ed. No replies needed.


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..........and, of course, the bluudy piccy won't come up!!!!!
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am trying this again

see if it works

If it doesn't I'm going to hide away.

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I'm off........................................................................
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one more try

fingers crossed

I am determined that I'm gonna crack it again.

Oh dear, Neti has fled.......................................

Poor Neti. You don't really get up our noses (he, he). Come back - we love you really, honest. Don't cry

Poor Neti

Neti, I reckon the easiest time with kids is between 0-16. After that, it gets far worse!!!!! Us Mums always seem to protect our old kids from their much wiser Dads - I certainly do!!!

neti!!! - just how many more explosions are you going to make?! ..... I've seen them all & the earth has moved enough thanks.....oooh too much for a monday morning..

morning all btw, hope you're all ok....cold and windy as per usual here....oh heck, I've forgot to put the washing machine on, back later. Try not to get up neti's nose hehe......

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am looking on internet for something called Robinia's bottom and gessoo's armpit!! thant'll teach you all. Have managed to get a 2nd hand camera phone and replacement sim card for daughter so at least I won't worry when she's out (unless it gets stolen again)

I come from a land of many bowls, basins & dishes can one biddy have? Round, oval, rectanglia....I've got 'em. Funny how dusty they get when you haven't used them for a few weeks....months...ok, years.

Sorry about the problems with your daughter neti - feel free to have a good .....


all your explosions are visible to me neti you will be pleased to hear, though possibly banned from Spain for security reasons.

customer for neti pot

PS got a replacement sim card for your daughter? Sounds like a fair swap.
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Oh jno how I wish!! would be much easier to handle! Glad you can all see my piccies, I still cannot. Just my luck today really. goes off into a self-centered strop!!

Can you all see that????

Hello everybody. Neti I can't see your piccies. Ne'er mind eh! I did see the last one though.

Robinia Did you see your thread made it to the most popular list!

Had a bit of a busy day today, had to go to town to get book token for one of my son's birthday. then went to Dunelm for cushion covers then went to my brother's, the musician, he had done a CD for me of my other son singing and playing his guitar. I'm off out to a quiz tonight all being well. Not the usual one I go to just for a change.

Hope you are all well and aches and pains are at a minimum.

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Our right or their right??
As you look at it! :o)

Hi Jude - we went to dunelm on sat. - I don't go very often - but it's not like it was when it first opened is it? I liked it in the days when there was lots of stuff to rummage through & find bargains. They used to do a lot of ex-store bedding. I once found some bhs things to match some that I'd already paid full price for in town.

Your brother's very nice :-) ....he looks familiar....did he have long hair a few yrs ago?

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Very handsome chappie jude but I seem to recognise the other one, which is impossible I know. Guess he looks like everyone did here in the 70's. (well obviously not the women although come to think of it......)

Did anyone notice that shaneystar and Vinny have been absent today - well allow me to shed some light on it......(bad choice of words haha)


ha they thought they were going to keep it quiet.....

I said TUT!!

Robinia My brother played in a group called Night Life and another called Back Street a number of years ago until he met his duo partner (not partner as in 'partner' if you see what I mean). He never had really long hair. He's now 45 but doesn't look it. Then he hasn't a wife and children to look after to give him worry lines!! I'm very proud of him. Dunelm has changed since it first opened I think they must have made a mint since they opened.

Don't know what's happened to Vinny and Shaney no doubt we'll find out later.

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Hen or chicken

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