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How's Your Garden Growing?

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Robinia | 12:01 Sun 23rd Apr 2006 | Site Suggestions
573 Answers

Are your gardens catching up after the slow start this spring? Mine seems to be romping away & now it's me that can't catch up!
Have you any nice pics to share?
I caught this fella sheltering from the rain on Friday morning.......!


mullein, if you se this, how's Gladys?



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shaney thanks. Apparently my thyroid is OVER active, it seems to be the only energetic thing about me at present. Have to wait 6 months to see if something climbs from 7,000 to 10,000 and then we'll know. I was a bit amused (and slightly worried) when doc asked me if I heard voices - I can hardly hear the telly let alone voices. Maybe he thinks I'm going to race down Sta Eulalia high street shooting everyone - or crawl in my case. He is Argentinian so maybe he's a bit strange.

Yes the site is very slow today.

Thanks robinia - what a refreshing picture - must be careful I don't eat it - well if they think I'm strange................
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haha neti he sounds like the registrar who took care of me years ago....I was due to go in hospital for treatment the day after Boxing day & when I arrived he said 'Oh I wasn't sure you'd come in, I thought you might be hanging over'
Argentinian eh long as he doesn't put you a diet of corned beef you will be fine.Overactive thyroid is worse than underactive I reckon.My late sister had this ..she used to be hell on wheels !!She just could not sit still.On the other side my Mum had underactive thyroid and developed a goitre which they removed and then she was fine..Mine was diagnosed as underactive but not dangerously.. so I am only on 75mg of thyroxine a day.Nevertheless it did make me feel quite ill for a long time before they sorted it out. Had I not had a funny turn and passed out I would probaly have gone blithely along not realising what was wrong with me. I do hope they get you sorted out soon Neti.
Here is my ladys mantle's in a narow border down the side of the house ..I was thinking of splitting it up after it's flowered but am having second thoughts now if it is a swine to dig !! The ceanothus is brilliant ..really good this year ..must be all that poxy rain.!
Be a good idea if I put the link

It really is gorgeous this year the rain has done some good ! We need some sun and warm now though or me Gladdys will rot.It is so chilly here this evening I have put the heating on.

My niece has a thyroid problem and a few years ago she had to have a radio-active drink of something (not sure what) and she wasn't allowed contact with her children for a week and had to sleep on here own. It is now controlled by Thyroxine. I felt sorry for her because it caused her lots of problems so I'm very sympathetic to anyone with the same problem.

Robinia It seems my gardener is an all-round handyman and I saw him first!!! :o)

and you have some beautiful flowers Shaney
Could your gardener come and trim my ceanothus do you think Jude ? I could do with a hunk in the garden !!
It's not pleasant Jude and I have every sympathy with your niece.Mind you it is quite common and women seem to suffer more than men.I felt dreadful for ages and had no motivation whatsoever and I put on so much weight fact last summer was one of the most miserable times I have had for ages because I was all bloated out with it and it would not shift.Plus this awful sweating and tiredness.Still it's all under control now ..thank goodness.

Evening Biddys....lovely gardens..I do like that 4headed thingy at chelsea..and the australian garden..I expect jno's seen it ...lucky beggar.I do hope you get well soon netti..this should cheer you up..

The Way To Heaven

The nun teaching Sunday School was speaking to her class one morning and
she asked the question, "When you die and go to Heaven... which part of
your body goes first?"

Suzy raised her hand and said, "I think it's your hands."

Why do you think it's your hands, Suzy?"

Suzy replied, "Because when you pray, you hold your hands together in
front of you and God just takes your hands first."

"What a wonderful answer!" the nun said.

Little Johnny raised his hand and said, "Sister, I think it's your

The nun looked at him with the strangest look on her face.

"Now, Little Johnny, why do you think it would be your legs?"

Little Johnny said, "Well, I walked into Mommy and Daddy's bedroom the
other night. Mommy had her legs straight up in the air and she was saying, "Oh God,I'm coming!"

If Dad hadn't pinned her down, we'd have lost her."

The nun fainted


Vinny !!!
Brilliant ! Just emailed that to my brother !!

Lol Vinny!

Shaney I've arranged it for you to have my gardener on Tues. and Thurs. And I can have him the rest of the week!! That'll be enough time for him to trim your cea wotsit's wont it ;o)

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hahaha lol Vinny - and I've just mailed that to the nuns at the local catholic school ....hehe

tut Jude, what's wrong with sharing? I'll have to go & loiter around the garden centre worked once before ;o)

shaney, all the ceanothus in my area have done really well too, & yet after the long winter you wouldn't expect it as some are a bit tender.

can't say as I agree with the judges this year at chelsea on any of their 'best in category'. I love Chris Beardshaw's & Cleve West's better than their choice for show garden. The courtyards are lovely especially the Lebanese & French one.

Hey jude that treatment sounds fine to me, as long as I don't glow in the dark!!!

Good one vinny Wish I had at least one pretty plant, but place is like a jungle with very interesting species of weed.

Hi Neti Hope you are ok.

Robinia or anybody How do I copy Vinny's joke. I've tried copying and pasting but it didn't work.

But....that's only two days Jude ...I can't do much with him in two days !!
I'm still reeling form the Latter Day Saints this morning !!
I'll be getting me name in the papers at this rate .

I like the courtyard gardens Robinia ...just what I could do with ..low maintenance !
I loved that grass sculpture.

Right click and highlight it Jude and then copy and paste it into whatever you doing . Is that what you are doing ? It worked when I did it just now .

I'm off to bed before the men in white coats come to get me.

Nite nite, having a day out tomorrow with hubby and guests so won't be around.xx

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