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LEONARDO AND MONA....Listen to them speak..!!

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VINNY100_2 | 13:25 Sun 21st May 2006 | Site Suggestions
499 Answers

Is this what they sounded like...spooky or what...(:-)


lisa gherardini(mona lisa)um.. nice voice.



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Corfu? CORFU?? I thought you were coming over 'ere, and there's me painting my abode and getting meself all tarted up! tut tut - there's no trusting some folk!! Have a good time jude and wave to me as you fly over.
corfu... sigh... have a soopah time Jude!
Hi Jno and Neti I'm sorry but it was a last minute booking.
Thanks for the good time wishes. I'm not off til Mon. so I expect I'll be nipping in and out over the weekend in between packing etc.:o)
Cracking night tonight. We went to see this group called Diesel. Great night!!See you tomorrow Goodnight All
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Morning all,just of to work...and its peeing down...and how come nobody wears gabardine raincoats
anymore...or them raincoats gary grant use to wear with a nice triby dad use to dress like that...he always had a soaking wet newspaper tucked under his arm.....(why didnt men hide them under there coats..??they had class didnt they...hehe..!and how come it dosent feel like saturday today?ey...what the hell does saturday feel like?okay just delaying going out side.....ive left yer tea and toast by mona....and a pressed newspaper fer chance of carrying yer bags jude...(:o)later>>>>>>>>
I see you, Jude... e.jpg

hey, look, it's going to be heavy rain here and all the way up to 19 degrees today - you sure you want to go??
Morning all, I sure am positive I want to go JnoIt's absolutely 'persisting' down here. Getting all hyped up about it now and busy sorting my stuff out.
You can carry my bags anytime Vinny
Love to all x
shlop, shlop, shlop......the sound of soggy slippers again - peeing it down here too & so grass mown for me today....

ooh Vinny I remember all the layers that men used to wear - & don't forget the removeable shirt collars & cufflinks - and those stretchy arm thingamys to keep overly long shirt sleeves up!...must have taken ages to get dressed & undressed - bit of a passion killer I suppose, hehe.....unlike the women's very seductive libbies & corsets of course :o)

doesn't feel like Saturday, you're it looks like it out there tho' <<<<
hi Jude - made your mind up how many tops to take?
Vinny will be along to help with your luggage once he's finished his morning job
Lol Robinia. Put as many as I can get in and 2 pairs of flip flops. I've learnt that lesson about taking too many pairs of shoes! Does everybody else have to clean right through before they go away or is it just me!!! In the middle of it now while listening to Dylans new CD Modern Times. Verrry interesting! See you later :o)
Have a lovely holiday Jude.Very nice Corfu ..been a couple of times ..Messonghi and Paleokastritsas..take care safe journey.
Thankyou Shaney very much,see you when I get back. Hope the Biddies are still going then! :o)

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Afternoon...should have took me rowing boat instead....anybody know what drainage means....?then please write to devon county council..! cause im blooming sure they dont...hehe...!
blimey...fer a minute Thought I saw shaney...slaps meself round the chops...its all this work yerknow....!
IM packed jude...lets split town before they close the airports...sorry ladies and gentlemen...but there's water on the runway...haha.
oh my giddy aunt..its just turned to night here..better rush up to Tescos and get some pop in fer tonight....they only built it 20,000 ft up on a hill...dont they realize,the only person going up there in the winter is that sir ranulph fines bloke,who lives on exmoor.....catch yer later aligators.....whoosh>>>>>dont forget the footy jude...five o,clock summick..(:-)
<grabs Vinny by the braces>
Bring me some cheese pleese & a nice cake, I'm out of both....and here's 3d for going ........ta very much

Hi Vinny and Robinia lol. Haven't forgotten the footy why do you think I got all my cleaning done earlier! Off out tonight again not going to have so much wine as I did last night though as I'm driving this time. See you later!
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Runs in with Rasberry roulade....and some Blue vinny...and thats just me..hehe..!erm...honest robinia...just back from Tescos..there so slow in there...didnt see any footy...pssst.good game want-it jude...ooops..forgot to put me pop in the frigidaire...(:o)
Hi Vinny yep it was a good game but The Rams could have beaten Andorra!! :o)
raspberry roulade Vinny?....mmmm, looks more like a budget jam roll to me.....& why has this cheese been reduced? I can't seem to read the sell by date....tut....should have known better than to send a man shopping...... I'll have me 3d back please....

now where is everone? no point testing your noggins, an above average IQ (how did I manage that?) isn't much use when you can't remember what you've gone upstairs for. The really worrying thing is I scored as an above average driver & I've never driven!
tut.....well I was in it but I didn't win it....I'll be having a word with young Dale to fix it properly. Didn't I support him when he was an unknown?....rang his radio show (radio trent many moons ago)....entered his competitions....went to see him in town.....not even a tenner.

throws darts at Mona <-------<<<and you can stop grinning....
Morning all it's chucking it down now. I'm just having my Horlicks. That was my last night out round here for a whole 12 days. I wonder if we'll be missed.... goodnight biddyfriends everywhere!! :o)

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