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LEONARDO AND MONA....Listen to them speak..!!

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VINNY100_2 | 13:25 Sun 21st May 2006 | Site Suggestions
499 Answers

Is this what they sounded like...spooky or what...(:-)


lisa gherardini(mona lisa)um.. nice voice.



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Bye jude have a lovely holiday .xx Dolly
Hi Dolly thank you see you when I get back. x
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Morning his 3d lolly....use to get a tanner when i was a kid...! its lovely here at the mo..but methinks it could change any minute..erm...looks like us veggies are the brainiest then.....1+1=2...2+2=5....piece of cake..hehe..!
just had me brekkies and its gone straight through me...
yo (*_*)

rumty tumty tumty tum....ooh why have I got the archers theme in my head? I don't listen to it....

a tanner Vinny? I was swindled! bet you spent it on bazooka's & gobstoppers...when we went to grandad's though we got half a crown out of the wooden biscuit barrel.....eeebygum.....

have a lovely time Jude - hope you've told them sales will be down in birds....

waves to Dolly hope you're ok

does mona look a bit different to you today?

rumty tumty tumty tum....

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Have a great Holiday jude.


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just press playlist and then play....easy>>>>>>(:-)
Hiya Vinny It wont let me play anything, what am I doing wrong?I pressed play list and then play.
Thanks for the 'have a great holiday'.

evenin mona - just you & me again then? you won't mind me playing
some music then

now what on earth mona, was he thinking of when he married that Mills woman eh? tut, he should have asked me...... twit.....never could stand her.....not that I'd have married him, not with that funny coloured hair thing going on.....
oh it's done now, I can't sit here talking to you all night .....and do cover your chest up woman, you're 500 years old for goodness sake......tata
oh look... that nice Steve Irwin, killed by a stingray... that hardly ever happens to anyone. You're best off away from there, Dolly 5311298.stm
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Morning.....has broken like the first morning.. ooops...getting carried away there .talking off..hope jude got carried away on time....and hope she didnt pack anything dodgy ...dont want anything Vibrating at 12,000FT........erm...her alarm clock i meant tut tut..!on the other hand..?hehe..!
I would have married him robinia...and Im not even gay....hahaha...always fancied a little pad on the mull.
right ive got to stop mulling around and get the housework done.....sits down and reads me Daily sport...(:o).
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Blimey......poor Blighter...!
morning ...... slapping on fake tan, weather forecast looks like I might have to uncover some bits this week......

yes jno heard that first thing, very sad for his family but married to someone like that you'd be forever on tenterhooks.

one of my all time fave's that song Vinny, (cat stevens version) gives me goosebumps, I'll have it played at my funeral but not just yet!
I think Jude must have packed that many tops that she had to be airlifted to the airport - there was one circling round very low for ages in the early put that disgusting paper down & go & look for shaney & neti - I'm worried she's become a bit
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ooops....! judes.late again...
wait fer me (:o)
Morning all - no I've now stopped cleaning but it is still sooo hot over here, that I'm dripping with sweat even sitting here. My daughter has gone to the other side of the island (SanAntonio) she's got a live- in job for a month and I've got empty nest syndrome, don't like my husband and not too fond of the cats either. Pool almost empty. Should collect George next week and have just bought a fax machine but have hidden it in top of daughter's wardrobe until there's an appropriate time to reveal it!! Why can't I ever see these videos that you link to. Am getting a man in next week to sort it!!! Am off for a sulk.
Well this could be my last visit here for about 6 weeks ,we leave here tomorrow night and we'll be in Manchester Wednesday lunchtime.Unless I can hijack daughters computer now and again. I hope you've all been praying for Sunshine for me !!! Australia is devastated over Steve Irwin ,he was a great ambassador and a great family man ,he'll be sorely missed . His Australia Zoo tourist attraction was only about an hour and a half from where we live (round the corner even ) Anyway time to say farewell for now and I'll try to find you all if you move while I'm away .xxxx Dolly
typical, 2 come along at once & I miss them both.....
hi sweti just enjoy the freedom, can't be that bad
can't help with the puta I'm afraid, haven't got a clue about fixing anything....just spent weeks with you all compacted like sardines 'cos I'd made the screen an inch all round smaller.....sorted now tho so you can shove Vinny off your knee now

hi to you Dolly have a very safe journey & a lovely time when you arrive try & pop in to see us, we'll still be bumbling around in here by xmas at this rate... we're becoming like 10 green biddies sitting on the wall.....

they are talking about it being a nice day today, sunshine (off and on) and 25 degrees - see, the whole country is getting ready for Dolly. It is my day off so I may get out and improve myself. Or maybe I will just spend all day on the internet.
morning jno et al - yay!! the sun's shining, & I didn't need to wear 3 bobbly cardies just to fetch the milk in & survey my grounds....all I need now is for someone to give my aches a squirt with WD40 & for this 'cakewalk' sensation to go away & all will be well....

have you seen Vinny's pic on the Chatterbank thread in suggs? I'm sure he won't mind me posting it in here, he'll be too busy this morning causing chaos in

my puter's very slow today....must be wet leaves on the line...
ah yes, Chatterbank Arms, just as I remember it, but weren't the streets more red with blood than white with snow? And even with sound turned up I can no longer hear the constant chatter of small-arms fire that used to drown out the juke box...

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