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AB Editor | 18:27 Tue 25th Jul 2006 | Site Suggestions
26 Answers
Over here at AB HQ we've been lookin' at the ole AB and thinkin' to ourselves "what can we do to make it better?" and as we trawl through the seemingly endless list of suggestions y' all have so graciously offered over time, we've noticed that some suggestions, though amusing, probably will not make the cut. To see the top ten suggestions that will never be - check out the Blog.

Also, we have suckered in someone to help out with the moderating and after explaining what a "BiddyBanker" is, she has settled in nicely. She is a lot more mean than me and is known to carry a big stick, so beware!



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Aha jno to vote several times, you must have multiple user names, you little rascal you!!
Ooops sorry jno didn't read that answer, I'm not a very good sleuth.
you'll be hearing from my libel lawyers any moment now neti
Gaming??!! does that mean snobs & whip & top? how to cheat at Happy families?
<<< swivels hips >>>
oh heck, I'm all hoop & no hula......
having been disabused of the notion that it means gambling, Robinia, I now imagine it's a sort of game reserve with lions and warthogs and things. I hope they're not going to allow hunting.
No wonder gaming is so popular in the poll, it's about being 'on the game'.

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