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daisy48 | 17:39 Tue 17th Oct 2006 | Site Suggestions
7 Answers
I cant find it! I've been up n down the aisles and Im worn out..Help!


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Society and Culture!!!!!
daisy, it's now under Society & Culture, LOL
SNAP!! dotty
we need jno to come along and tell us it is all going to be alright :(
Telling us ain't gonna help dot lol,,,

Does jno have magic powers to alter it?

Hey, what if we all try System Restore,,,do you think it will revert back to yesterday?
Perhaps if we all joined hands.....
I hate it with all the sub-categories! Get rid of ALL the sub-categories and list ALL of the categories individually! And keep them down to a reasonable number! It was bad enough having 2 sub-categories in Film & TV, but now there are 8537 sub-categories in each category! It would take me about 14 billion years to click through them each time, let alone do any answers! The more categories there are, the more confusion there is about which one to put a question in. That means more questions being duplicated by the questionners and more being missed by the answerers.

It also makes it more difficult to find the most suitable section.

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