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netibiza | 14:32 Thu 04th Jan 2007 | Site Suggestions
505 Answers
Where has the Biddybank gone?


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Perhaps we should do a thread in Recipes - we can all contribute so whoever is going to cook for us will know what we would like:)
haha lol BB....but what we'd like and what some of us would cook (ahem!) .........??
cheese on toast anyone?
two soups...? (that might not mean anything to you if you're not familiar with Julie Walters & Victoria Wood)

my dept is gardening but neti will have a panic attack near anything green....

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loud scream eminates from ibiza aagghhh!!
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An friend who emails me has suggested that we set up our own Yahoo group - brill idea, but has anyone any idea how we go about it. Jude could you ask Brian for advice? Ta - nitey nite.
wassup neti - has Baz run off with george? hahaha....

takes neti's hand.....

now let's look through the arched window

Today's quiz....will we still be here tomorrow....?
I'll be in with my snap crackle & slop tomorrow to find the answer.

I'll ask my son again about setting up a website...but it would be one of those elite jobs...invitation only....& evening dress.
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Done it I think

have sent you all an email, but not sure how it works, but it's there if we need it.
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can't find how to chat on it though - H E L P!!
Five across ....six letters ....Haven't
Three down (3,1,4) .....Got a clue !

But I will investigate and get back to you with the solution !!!

Mind you I can't find my white out at the moment and me pens run out .... I shall take my magnifying glass and go an have a look.
I joined the Yahoo Group - but I have to wait for the moderator to approve me before I can post:)
Robina - if your son sets one up right now when everyone is being zapped, banned and deleted, he should have a ton of people switch over!!!
Hi Biddybankers one and all ,received email from neti telling re a new Biddybank site on Yahoo ,well I registered and managed to leave a message on it .Not sure how .I'mthinking of putting a question in History (more suited to us don't you think!) xx
Now how did you do that Dolly??? When I signed up for the Yahoo Group Neti started - it let me sign up, but told me I had to be approved by the Moderator (Neti I guess) before I could post!
Hi BBW all I did was send an email to neti and I think to the site ,I only ever follow instructions otherwise I'd never know where I was ! One day who knows I may get led astray by he instructions (hopefully ,although I fear at my age there 's not a lot I could do if I did )!!!
By the way BB what time is it over there ?I'm in Australia and it's 1045 am here.
Hi Dolly - it is 8:15 at night January 11 here in Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA. I am on Eastern Standard Time. I guess that means it is tomorrow already in Australia where you are:) That makes me tired just to think about it:)
Morning everyone, will this be the day the ED sends me an E.mail...OI.whats that pink thing just flown past me window.I think the message Dolly left BB was the box where you desribe yourself and say why you would like to join nettis biddy army(spanish branch) hehe..!
bloomin heck me ducks as they say in derby shire whens that wind gonna blow itself out...! we had a tree down here yesterday...on the road out of I had to ride round the to the high street,and bug**er my old boots there was a cops car parked across the road flashing lights and all...the sign outside the Indian takeaway was hanging by a thread...!
if that fell on yer,you would never see an onion - bargie again....(:O)
Dollys in history,Im in travel...10 down...3 up...(:O)
Where ARE we going ? does anyone out there know yet ? Vinny is in Travel and I'm in History ,think we might give History a miss ,might end up in a cold,dampand dark dungeon and I've already got a Summer cold etc. Oh the joys of age !!!!!!!
ooh morning - we're still in situ then?...unlike a tv ariel I can see over the back. I'm amazed the gales haven't done more damage around here...but they're not over yet. And there's flooding round & about too (in Wilne Jude) ....oh we're all doomed.

well all this upheaval is giving me nightmares - dreamt last night I was being chased by a menacing garden gnome who kept setting fire to things....

I'll have a sort through my AB drawers to see if there's a motheaten Q in there.....

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