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netibiza | 14:32 Thu 04th Jan 2007 | Site Suggestions
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Where has the Biddybank gone?


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Sorry about that should have been I'm utter rubbish at this aren't I. Going for a lie down!!!
Robinia - you said crystal guides will give us our own site soon & provide me with a state-of the art kitchen - they would have to give me someone to cook the food!!! I know a lot about food, cooking, techniques, gadgets & recipes - but knowing and doing are two totally different things!!! We would all starve if we had to depend on my cooking!!! But don't worry - even if they don't give us a chef - I am excellent at ordering!!! :)
Yoohoo Yahoos
Of course you know that the Yahoos were a race in Gullivers Travels who were a right strange lot !!!
I cannot suss this all out for the life of me ..Oh to be young and simple again and not have to cope with all this modern technology !
I do hope the ED lets us stay in here as it is sooo much easier to navigate ....but I shall soldier on as we used to sing every morning in assembly " He who would valiant be 'gainst all disaster " .!!
Anyway they don't seem to have a microfibre thingy or a chs on tst section and nobody seems to have a butler .
oh thats a shame BB - & I had this vision of you in one of those enormous american kitchens slaving over a hot stove & busily storing all your delicious food in a HUGE refridgerator....I obviously watch too much tv!

hi shaney ....mmm, there aren't even any windows in there to look out onto the garden either. Have you got any snowdrops yet? some of mine have flowers which they never have until the end of Jan - I know because they were my mum's favourites & her birthday is (was) the 31st....crikey, she'd have been 86 this year....she was late having me, I'm only 36.
Evening all,did you know...if you cant find yer glasses you get a beer glass....pour some beer..erm..i mean water..a little at a time....then hold the beer glass over what you want to read and and keep pouring until all become's cleear..!blimey...took me ages to read the daily sport...hehe..!(:O)
Good grief Vinny I would be all week trying to read the paper at that rate !! As for ten down and two across ...I would be really confuzzled .
Mind you the butler does things like this in the pantry with Brasso.No wonder he walks funny !
Blimey...this topic moves quick wonder shaneys on the ole gin...methinks the becks taking me over now...I just seen a herd of deer stampeding up the top there..blimey .....its happened again ..a load of ants to the left crawling down the page.......!...runs to fridge fer another becks..!(:O)
Evening shaney....its a trifle windy out there wat..!
I was doing that quiz thingy on the you got um all right.could have swore the god of war was thursday...!...bu**er getting confuzzled in me bar now...hic..! methinks robinia's getting confused with her door number...hehe..! quickly hides in me sprout patch..bloomin heck..its cold out yere..(:O)
haha - I did live at 36 once Vinny never thought of that....oh well my present number must mean I'm an obnoxious teenager....bttr strt torkn txt....

that cosmic order's taking a long time - I thought it was next day delivery....I'd like to add a laptop to it please....fed up of sittin' in the corner....mind you I can look out of the window with my left eye, see the tv with my right & the cobwebs with the one in between.

want a choccy anyone?

Blowing a gale here ..but supposed to be sunny tomorrow ..mind you Michael Fish does get it wrong sometimes .
He's retired ?..When did that happen ? I must have missed it .
Thanks for choccie Robinia I was gasping's scratch day in our house other words ..get yer own grub !

I am gasping for something sweet and all I can find are some blomin' old rotten digestive biscuits!
Chs anyone ?
Was there a quiz thing on TV ? Something else I've missed ..if I don't write everything down I'm lost .
I do write a shopping list but realise I have left it on the table when I come back with half a pound of mince and a parsnip.
Good... night? everybody (how does one salute one another at this o'clock.)

I see you do your shopping the same way I do(n't), Shaney...

That's weird, Robinia, my mother's birthday was January 30th too.

I can't stay for long, just wanted to say that I've written an e-mail to those of you whose addies I have.

Tried some stargazing with Vinny's optician's prescription.
I mean the 31st. Sorry mum.
hi Kit glad you made it - I replied to your mail! you've lived with an aquarian? sister's aquarian too....where are all these unwritten rules that they live by, that's what I want to know?

oops submitted....

shaney whenever I forget my list I just buy sweet things....I currently have.....

1 box Fox's luxury choccy biccies
1 box M&S luxury shortbread
2 luxury (there's a pattern here, you can tell I'm a Taurean eh Kit?) mini M&S xmas cakes
1 box - yep luxury - Sains mince pies

box walnut whips
a multi pack of kitkats
a swiss roll - bit stale but will make a trifle (for which I have the ingredients)
also have ingredients for pineaple upside down cake
morning coffee biscuits

so why am I not voluptuous????!!!
please help yourselves
bu?**er on me way..a swiss roll...!.blimey last time I was in .zurich..>>>>>>>>>(:O)
That's a bit uncanny, Robinia: My mother was born on the same date as yours (I have always for as long as I can remember gotten her birthday mixed up with Olof Palme's, a former prime minister of ours, but his was the 30th according to Wikipedia, so my mum's must have been the 31st...) ...and as if that's not enough, my eldest sister is an Aquarian... and one of my very best and oldest friends. Yesterday when I talked to her on the phone she said something like this:

Oh, I'm sorry, you were right all along, it is Thursday, not Friday, that we're on for, but you see I thought that Thursday was Friday...!

Oh sigh. Gotta love'em.

McDonald's are preparing to close... they are sweeping my feet and I suspect that's some kind of message... so... good night, see you all again - wherever.
was whipped cream involved?....nope, don't answer - we'll be off air again!
Oh lord ..Mr S is an Aquarian ..hahaha ..he has so many unwritten rules it's unbelievable ....but of course I pay no attention whatsoever especially the dishwasher rule !
He's a minimalist and I'm a clutterbug ! Hahahaha!
How we have managed to stay married for so long is beyond me ! I must drive him round the bend but he's such a patient soul bless him !
I am just revving up my shopping trolley and am on my way to you Robinia ... don't eat all that lot some for me ....I'm very partial to a bit of swiss roll .
Move away from the multi pack of Kitkats !
Yes....I can see you ...wolfing it all down before we knock on the door !

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