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netibiza | 14:32 Thu 04th Jan 2007 | Site Suggestions
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Where has the Biddybank gone?


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Bet they look lovely jude...
hehe (:O)
Hi again Vinny - maybe the Ed's done a runner, if so, you may be safe here.....!

Did say "Hi to Robinia & hope your well" earlier - but p'raps you missed it....!

I bet your hyacinths will look beautiful Jude, just like Vinny's!

Do hope you are okay Neti.

oh, I'm as well as I can be considering the silly climate we have here at the moment thank you smudge ...all this damp makes me creaky.....

lovely place that Vinny & I've booked the Robinia cottage for the first week in'll be a sardines job but we're getting used to that....shaney & charlie will love it there...if we all wear the same wigs & clothes they'll never work out how many of us there are.....

don't forget to bring your razor....

....then again.....we won't bother, so you won't need to....

(lol @ mrs bucket....)

I thought my garden was ahead of it's schedule with snowdrops & crocuses must be further (or is it farther?) south..... :o)
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Hi all - yes I'm fine, thank you, but staying off AB for a while - hopefully see you soon.
Neti please dont go away, it's not because I couldn't get on with Yahoo is it? You know what I'm like learning new things on here! Anyway I hope all is well with you and come back soon x
Hi Neti - I had a feeling you might have got in touch, hence my return. I'm so glad you are well. Take care & keep warm.

Love Smudge. -x-

Yummy dinner - now back to the clearing up!
Yeh,I reckon its jude's fault..hehe..! bloomin heck jude,I spilt me beer when I read that..hahahaha..we all know netti tried her best..we might bloomin need it to, sooner than we think.and it was a great idea for the E.mails..we all love yer netti xx
anyways its your turn to make the tea and toast in the morning..(:O)
yes, neti it seems to be ok in here for the moment...I didn't realised just how busy this category is, we're never top of the page. I just wish it would all get sorted on here once & for all & then everyone will stop jumping up & down in suggs. It's a shame someone didn't just put a notice in the Ed's blog to say normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.
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Biddies -take notice - have just received a virus warning saying do NOT open any email which says Invitation - which shows an olympic torch (or flag) this will immediately attack the C disc. Have tried to cc an email to you all but am not very good at it. I do not have the virus, but have been warned.
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you should also turn off the computer if you receive one.
Good morning all,thanks looks like a hoax,but if you receive one, such file attachments should be treated with caution as they may be virus infected.well the suns out...ooops just gone in its out again....nope...its its out.............bloomin heck...make yer mind up...!(:O).....................
A'noon all - thanks for that neti - it's amazing how quickly these emails circulate, as I also rec'd it yesterday.

Toodle-pip! -x-

Sent: 15 January 2007 11:21
To: everyone
Subject: FW: Virus warning Read ASAP!

Get this sent around to your contacts ASAP - we don't need this spreading around.


You should be alert during the next days:
Do not open any message with an attached filed called "Invitation" regardless of who sent it, It is a virus that opens an Olympic Torch which "burns" the whole hard disc C of your computer.

This virus will be received from someone who has your e-mail address in his/her contact list, that is why you should send this e-mail to all your contacts. It is better to receive this message 25 times than to receive the virus and open it. If you receive a mail called "invitation", though sent by a friend, do not open it and shut down your computer immediately. This is the worst virus announced by CNN, it has been classified by Microsoft as the most destructive virus ever.

This virus was discovered by McAfee yesterday, and there is no repair yet for this kind of virus. This virus simply destroys the Zero Sector of the Hard Disc, where the vital information is kept.


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Yes that's exactly the same as the one I received soI assumed it was a real threat. I shan't bother next time.
I also received this the day before, although I'm not sure how true it is - but you never know:
Beware Ladies

Happened in Bury St. Edmunds, but could happen anywhere:

This is a really scary email, it has given me the shivers. Can you send it onto any other women please.

From my sister's friend Heidi, some of you know her. Anyway her Auntie was in Sainsbury's 2 days ago and when she walked back to her car, she noticed one of the windows was smashed, there was also a bloke standing next to her car.

The bloke said he was making sure no one stole anything from her car and could he have a lift because he had just missed his train, luckily she said "no", got in to her car and drove home.

She told her husband about it, he looked in the car and in the glove compartment and found a knife and a rope!!

Please send this to everyone and tell everyone, seriously scary!!!
As I say - I'm not sure if it really happened, as I have received similar before - but best be on your guard! If it happened to me, I'd hit him over the head with me bag & send him on his way! Smudge.
afternoon all

neti you can always ask me first - my son's usually up to date with all that stuff. I freaked out a while back when I rec'd something (not that one) that I thought was going to wipe all my Des O'connor collections.
(but just tell me - don't pass it to me, it might have a virus!)

That O.J.Simpson virus is a right sod,you know its bugg**ered up yer putta,but you just cant prove it..hehe..!(:O)
I've got a dreadful virus ...It's knocked the butler for six and I now I have to wait on him ! I wish he wouldn't keep ringing that bell.
The things you have to do to get a decent piece of chs on tst round here ... Slosh.. slop.. polish .....can I do you now Sir ?
you should see my virus!


How does Shaney do that...hehe..!(:O)

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